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Atlassian Connector for Eclipse 提供了一种将 JIRA 数据导入 Eclipse 的方法。不确定它是否在提交屏幕上列出了问题。但是,您至少不必切换窗口。
atlassian connector for eclipse provides a way to import JIRA data into eclipse. Not sure if it lists the issues on commit screen. However, you won't have to switch windows at least.
a) JIRA Commit Acceptance Plugin
它允许检查如果 JIRA 中确实存在该问题,并且可以选择是否已向提交者分配了该问题。
b) TortoiseSVN 插件
允许列出问题(使用 JIRA 过滤器)并指示正在完成哪个问题的提交
Two other possibilities are:
a) the JIRA Commit Acceptance Plugin
It allows to check if the issue does exists in JIRA and optionally if the committer has been assigned the issue.
b) TortoiseSVN Plugin
Allows to list issues (using a JIRA filter) and indicate for which issue the commit is being done
尽管我坚信提交问题链接应该在服务器端处理(而不是通过信任 SVN 客户端),但 Francis 的回答中提到的 JIRA Commit Acceptance Plugin 并没有维护几年。
今年早些时候,我们分析了它的缺点,并构建了一个新的 JIRA 插件来使用所有现代 JIRA 功能来解决相同的问题,例如:
新插件名为 提交政策可从 Atlassian Marketplace 获取!
Although I strongly believe that the commit-to-issue linking should be handled in the server-side (not by trusting the SVN client), the JIRA Commit Acceptance Plugin mentioned in Francis' answer is not maintained for several years.
Earlier this year we analyzed its shortcomings, and built a new JIRA add-on to tackle the same problem using all modern JIRA features, like:
(The full comparison is available here.)
The new add-on called Commit Policy is available from the Atlassian Marketplace!
(Diclr: I'm a developer working on both the old and the new add-ons.)