我的 Drupal 节点表上的 nid 字段从 254,107 跃升至 500,220,117。是什么导致了这种情况?我没有弄乱 Auto_increment 字段。
我发现 drupal_write_record 和 node_save 函数调用中对于任何可能导致此 nid 跳转的人为错误的余地很小,node_save 接受的参数是节点对象。
错误构建的节点对象会导致 Auto_increment 字段跳转吗?即,对于某种奇怪的错误,代码在将 nid 字段传递给 node_save 之前将其切换为其他内容?如果这是真的,则错误将出现在node_save之前的代码中,但它也可能位于流氓 hook_invoke_nodeapi,因为 node_save() 在函数开头调用此代码片段:
// Let modules modify the node before it is saved to the database.
node_invoke_nodeapi($node, 'presave');
我可能会在 node_save() 中设置一个奇异的条件断点(或其中几个),特别是在 db_query()。在 db_query() 中,断点很可能包含正则表达式。然后我可以设置某种自动化测试,将各种节点类型保存到数据库中(考虑开发模块)并查看是否出现某些内容。如果我发现任何问题,我会自己回答这个问题,除非其他人过去有类似的经历并首先回答。
The nid field on my Drupal node table jumped from from 254,107 to 500,220,117. What could have caused that? I haven't messed up with the Auto_increment field.
I see very little leeway in the drupal_write_record and node_save function calls for any kind human errors that could cause this nid jump, node_save what accepts as an argument is a node object.
Could a badly built node object cause a jump in the Auto_increment field? i.e. that for some sort of weird bug the code switches the nid field with something else before passing it to node_save? If this were true, the bug would be in the code preceding the node_save, but it could also be inside a rougue hook_invoke_nodeapi, since node_save() calls this snippet at the beginning of the function:
// Let modules modify the node before it is saved to the database.
node_invoke_nodeapi($node, 'presave');
How would you go about setting a test for detecting this?
I will probably set up an exotic conditional breakpoint (or a couple of them) within node_save(), and particularly on the last line of db_query(). In db_query() the breakpoint will most likely contain a regular expression. Then I could set some sort of automated test that saves all kinds of node types into the database (thinking about the devel module) and see if something appears. If I find anything I will answer myself the question, unless someone else had a similar experience in the past and answers first.
是的,如果没有更多信息,我们无法知道。 Drupal 使用什么进行排序取决于您所使用的版本。请参阅此了解更多信息。
Yeah, we can't know without more information. What Drupal uses for it's sequencing depends on the version you are using. See this for more info.