我试图比较 2 个大约 500MB 的大型文本文件,我尝试使用 Notepad++、Textpad、VIM 等,但无法让它们打开该文本文件。要么是这样,要么有效的编辑器没有比较功能。
I'm trying to compare 2 large text files around 500MB each, I've tried to use Notepad++, Textpad, VIM etc and couldn't get them to even open the text file. Either that, or the editors that DO work don't have the compare feature.
I need to see what changes are made in those 2 text files, that's why I need to compare them. Does anyone have any suggestions?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

diff file1 file2
diff file1 file2
这些文件应该非常相似吗?使用 diff 程序代替编辑器;由于它们专门显示差异,因此它们通常更有能力处理大文件。
http://drupal.org/node/324 页面有一个 Windows 差异程序列表。如果您使用的是 Unix 或 Linux,您可能已经安装了 diff。
如果你需要一个编辑器,我知道 Emacs 可以配置这么大的文件,但我自己还没有尝试过。更多信息请访问 http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsFileSizeLimit
Are the files supposed to be very similar? Use a diff program instead of an editor; since they specialize in showing the differences, they are often more capable of handling large files.
The page at http://drupal.org/node/324 has a list of diff programs for Windows. If you are using Unix or Linux, you probably already have diff installed.
If you need an editor, I know that Emacs can be configured for files as large as this, but I haven't tried it myself. More info at http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsFileSizeLimit
Winmerge 位于 http://winmerge.org/
Winmerge at http://winmerge.org/
exactly what you want.
使用 UNIX/LINUX diff file1 file2 对于大型文本文件来说并不实用。今天我花了一些时间研究解决方案,我想与您分享我的发现。有开源项目 Meld http://meldmerge.org/。它也可在 OS X、Linux 和 Windows 平台上使用。
打开记事本++->插件 ->插件管理器->显示插件管理器 ->找到名为“Compare”的插件。
Using UNIX/LINUX diff file1 file2 is not practical with large text files.I spent some time looking into solutions today and i wanted to share my finding with you. There is Open Source Project Meld http://meldmerge.org/. It is available on OS X, Linux and Windows platform as well.
If you prefer using notepad++ there is plugin available to download:
Open notepad++ -> Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Find plugin named "Compare".
JujuEdit 打开大文件,但不会将它们加载到内存中。它不比较功能。
我在 2 秒或更短时间内打开了一个 1G 字节的文件。
JujuEdit opens large file and it does not load them into memory. It does not compare features.
I opened a file 1G byte in 2 seconds or less.
It has binary mode.