IE7 和 jquery 动画的奇怪问题:使用 jquery 1.3.2、coda-slider 2.0 和 jquery.easing 1.3

发布于 2024-10-21 02:06:48 字数 7091 浏览 8 评论 0原文

我正在尝试修改 Coda-Slider 2.0 ( 以使用基于百分比的宽度,而不是硬编码的像素宽度,以允许流体调整大小。我已经让它工作得非常好,除了 IE7 中的一个小故障(Firefox 没有表现出这种行为),当我尝试返回到面板 1 时。

当我运行 coda-slider 2.0 附带的默认 index.html 时, IE7 下一切正常。然后我使用图像而不是默认文本,效果也很好。然后我更改了 CSS 和 JS 以使用百分比宽度 - 这非常有效,除了当我尝试返回到第一个面板时 - 当我这样做时,比如说,从面板 4,而不是平滑地动画回到面板 1 视图立即跳转到面板 1 和面板 2 之间的中间,然后动画回到面板 1。


我正在使用的修改后的 Coda-Slider JS 文件的来源如下。注意我删除了所有非必要的代码以简化调试。


offset = - (panelWidth*z) + "%";

我认为动画可能不喜欢将“0%”作为值输入,因此我尝试在选择面板 1 时输入“0”和“0px” - 结果相同。最终结果是正确的 - 最终 div 正确定位在 margin-left: 0 处,但我不知道为什么它在这样做之前跳到面板 1 和面板 2 之间的中间位置。 (从面板 4 到面板 3 或面板 2 的动画效果很好)。我尝试使用“left”而不是“margin-left”,得到了相同的结果。



    // Remove the coda-slider-no-js class from the body
    // Preloader
    $(".coda-slider").children('.panel').hide().end().prepend('<p class="loading">Loading...<br /><img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="loading..." /></p>');

var sliderCount = 1;

$.fn.codaSlider = function(settings) {

    settings = $.extend({
        autoHeight: true,
        autoHeightEaseDuration: 1000,
        autoHeightEaseFunction: "easeInOutExpo",
        autoSlide: false,
        autoSlideInterval: 7000,
        autoSlideStopWhenClicked: true,
        crossLinking: true,
        dynamicArrows: true,
        dynamicArrowLeftText: "&#171; left",
        dynamicArrowRightText: "right &#187;",
        dynamicTabs: true,
        dynamicTabsAlign: "center",
        dynamicTabsPosition: "top",
        externalTriggerSelector: "a.xtrig",
        firstPanelToLoad: 1,
        panelTitleSelector: "h2.title",
        slideEaseDuration: 1000,
        slideEaseFunction: "easeInOutExpo"
    }, settings);

    return this.each(function(){

        var slider = $(this);

        var panelCount = slider.find(".panel").size();

        var panelWidth = 100;
        var panelContainerWidth = "400%";

        var navClicks = 0; // Used if autoSlideStopWhenClicked = true

        // Surround the collection of panel divs with a container div (wide enough for all panels to be lined up end-to-end)
        $('.panel', slider).wrapAll('<div class="panel-container"></div>');
        // Specify the width of the container div (wide enough for all panels to be lined up end-to-end)
        $(".panel-container", slider).css({ width: panelContainerWidth });

        // Specify the current panel.
        // If the loaded URL has a hash (cross-linking), we're going to use that hash to give the slider a specific starting position...
        if (settings.crossLinking && location.hash && parseInt(location.hash.slice(1)) <= panelCount) {
            var currentPanel = parseInt(location.hash.slice(1));
            var offset = - (panelWidth*(currentPanel - 1)) + "%";
            $('.panel-container', slider).css({ marginLeft: offset });
        // If that's not the case, check to see if we're supposed to load a panel other than Panel 1 initially...
        } else if (settings.firstPanelToLoad != 1 && settings.firstPanelToLoad <= panelCount) { 
            var currentPanel = settings.firstPanelToLoad;
            var offset = - (panelWidth*(currentPanel - 1)) + "%";
            $('.panel-container', slider).css({ marginLeft: offset });
        // Otherwise, we'll just set the current panel to 1...
        } else { 
            var currentPanel = 1;

        // If we need a dynamic menu
           if (settings.dynamicTabs) {
            var dynamicTabs = '<div class="coda-nav" id="coda-nav-' + sliderCount + '"><ul></ul></div>';
            switch (settings.dynamicTabsPosition) {
                case "bottom":
            ul = $('#coda-nav-' + sliderCount + ' ul');
            // Create the nav items
            $('.panel', slider).each(function(n) {
                ul.append('<li class="tab' + (n+1) + '"><a href="#' + (n+1) + '">' + $(this).find(settings.panelTitleSelector).text() + '</a></li>');                                               
            navContainerWidth = slider.width() + slider.siblings('.coda-nav-left').width() + slider.siblings('.coda-nav-right').width();
            ul.parent().css({ width: navContainerWidth });
            switch (settings.dynamicTabsAlign) {
                case "center":
                    ul.css({ width: ($("li", ul).width() + 2) * panelCount });
                case "right":
                    ul.css({ float: 'right' });

        // If we need a tabbed nav
        $('#coda-nav-' + sliderCount + ' a').each(function(z) {
            // What happens when a nav link is clicked
            $(this).bind("click", function() {
                if (z == 0) {
                    offset = "+0px";
                } else {
                    offset = - (panelWidth*z) + "%";
                alert("Offset = " + offset);
        //      alterPanelHeight(z);
                currentPanel = z + 1;
                $('.panel-container', slider).animate({ marginLeft: offset }, settings.slideEaseDuration, settings.slideEaseFunction);
                if (!settings.crossLinking) { return false }; // Don't change the URL hash unless cross-linking is specified

        // Specify which tab is initially set to "current". Depends on if the loaded URL had a hash or not (cross-linking).
        if (settings.crossLinking && location.hash && parseInt(location.hash.slice(1)) <= panelCount) {
            $("#coda-nav-" + sliderCount + " a:eq(" + (location.hash.slice(1) - 1) + ")").addClass("current");
        // If there's no cross-linking, check to see if we're supposed to load a panel other than Panel 1 initially...
        } else if (settings.firstPanelToLoad != 1 && settings.firstPanelToLoad <= panelCount) {
            $("#coda-nav-" + sliderCount + " a:eq(" + (settings.firstPanelToLoad - 1) + ")").addClass("current");
        // Otherwise we must be loading Panel 1, so make the first tab the current one.
        } else {
            $("#coda-nav-" + sliderCount + " a:eq(0)").addClass("current");

        // Kill the preloader
        $('.panel', slider).show().end().find("p.loading").remove();



I am trying to modify Coda-Slider 2.0 ( to use percentage-based widths, instead of hardcoded pixel widths, to allow for fluid resizing. I've gotten it to work fabulously, except for a small glitch in IE7 (Firefox does not exhibit this behavior) when I try and move back to panel 1.

When I run the default index.html that comes with coda-slider 2.0, everything works fine in IE7. I then sub in images instead of the default text and that works fine as well. I then changed the CSS and JS to use percentage widths - this works great, except for when I try and return back to the first panel - when I do that, say, from panel 4, instead of smoothly animating back to panel 1 the view jumps instantly to halfway between panel 1 and panel 2, and THEN animates back to panel 1.

This can be seen at a test site I set up:

The source of the modified Coda-Slider JS file I am using is below. Note I stripped out all nonessential code to simplify debugging.

The problem is tied to the line:

offset = - (panelWidth*z) + "%";

I thought maybe the animation didn't like getting fed "0%" as a value, so I tried feeding it "0" and "0px" when panel 1 was selected - same result. The end result is correct - eventually the div is positioned properly at margin-left: 0, but I have no idea why it skips to a position halfway between panel 1 and 2 before doing so. (Animation from panel 4 to 3 or 2 works fine). I tried using 'left' instead of 'margin-left' with the same results.

Bug or stupid, overlooked mistake? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!

js file source:

    // Remove the coda-slider-no-js class from the body
    // Preloader
    $(".coda-slider").children('.panel').hide().end().prepend('<p class="loading">Loading...<br /><img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="loading..." /></p>');

var sliderCount = 1;

$.fn.codaSlider = function(settings) {

    settings = $.extend({
        autoHeight: true,
        autoHeightEaseDuration: 1000,
        autoHeightEaseFunction: "easeInOutExpo",
        autoSlide: false,
        autoSlideInterval: 7000,
        autoSlideStopWhenClicked: true,
        crossLinking: true,
        dynamicArrows: true,
        dynamicArrowLeftText: "« left",
        dynamicArrowRightText: "right »",
        dynamicTabs: true,
        dynamicTabsAlign: "center",
        dynamicTabsPosition: "top",
        externalTriggerSelector: "a.xtrig",
        firstPanelToLoad: 1,
        panelTitleSelector: "h2.title",
        slideEaseDuration: 1000,
        slideEaseFunction: "easeInOutExpo"
    }, settings);

    return this.each(function(){

        var slider = $(this);

        var panelCount = slider.find(".panel").size();

        var panelWidth = 100;
        var panelContainerWidth = "400%";

        var navClicks = 0; // Used if autoSlideStopWhenClicked = true

        // Surround the collection of panel divs with a container div (wide enough for all panels to be lined up end-to-end)
        $('.panel', slider).wrapAll('<div class="panel-container"></div>');
        // Specify the width of the container div (wide enough for all panels to be lined up end-to-end)
        $(".panel-container", slider).css({ width: panelContainerWidth });

        // Specify the current panel.
        // If the loaded URL has a hash (cross-linking), we're going to use that hash to give the slider a specific starting position...
        if (settings.crossLinking && location.hash && parseInt(location.hash.slice(1)) <= panelCount) {
            var currentPanel = parseInt(location.hash.slice(1));
            var offset = - (panelWidth*(currentPanel - 1)) + "%";
            $('.panel-container', slider).css({ marginLeft: offset });
        // If that's not the case, check to see if we're supposed to load a panel other than Panel 1 initially...
        } else if (settings.firstPanelToLoad != 1 && settings.firstPanelToLoad <= panelCount) { 
            var currentPanel = settings.firstPanelToLoad;
            var offset = - (panelWidth*(currentPanel - 1)) + "%";
            $('.panel-container', slider).css({ marginLeft: offset });
        // Otherwise, we'll just set the current panel to 1...
        } else { 
            var currentPanel = 1;

        // If we need a dynamic menu
           if (settings.dynamicTabs) {
            var dynamicTabs = '<div class="coda-nav" id="coda-nav-' + sliderCount + '"><ul></ul></div>';
            switch (settings.dynamicTabsPosition) {
                case "bottom":
            ul = $('#coda-nav-' + sliderCount + ' ul');
            // Create the nav items
            $('.panel', slider).each(function(n) {
                ul.append('<li class="tab' + (n+1) + '"><a href="#' + (n+1) + '">' + $(this).find(settings.panelTitleSelector).text() + '</a></li>');                                               
            navContainerWidth = slider.width() + slider.siblings('.coda-nav-left').width() + slider.siblings('.coda-nav-right').width();
            ul.parent().css({ width: navContainerWidth });
            switch (settings.dynamicTabsAlign) {
                case "center":
                    ul.css({ width: ($("li", ul).width() + 2) * panelCount });
                case "right":
                    ul.css({ float: 'right' });

        // If we need a tabbed nav
        $('#coda-nav-' + sliderCount + ' a').each(function(z) {
            // What happens when a nav link is clicked
            $(this).bind("click", function() {
                if (z == 0) {
                    offset = "+0px";
                } else {
                    offset = - (panelWidth*z) + "%";
                alert("Offset = " + offset);
        //      alterPanelHeight(z);
                currentPanel = z + 1;
                $('.panel-container', slider).animate({ marginLeft: offset }, settings.slideEaseDuration, settings.slideEaseFunction);
                if (!settings.crossLinking) { return false }; // Don't change the URL hash unless cross-linking is specified

        // Specify which tab is initially set to "current". Depends on if the loaded URL had a hash or not (cross-linking).
        if (settings.crossLinking && location.hash && parseInt(location.hash.slice(1)) <= panelCount) {
            $("#coda-nav-" + sliderCount + " a:eq(" + (location.hash.slice(1) - 1) + ")").addClass("current");
        // If there's no cross-linking, check to see if we're supposed to load a panel other than Panel 1 initially...
        } else if (settings.firstPanelToLoad != 1 && settings.firstPanelToLoad <= panelCount) {
            $("#coda-nav-" + sliderCount + " a:eq(" + (settings.firstPanelToLoad - 1) + ")").addClass("current");
        // Otherwise we must be loading Panel 1, so make the first tab the current one.
        } else {
            $("#coda-nav-" + sliderCount + " a:eq(0)").addClass("current");

        // Kill the preloader
        $('.panel', slider).show().end().find("p.loading").remove();



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挖个坑埋了你 2024-10-28 02:06:48

你有什么理由使用 2 年前的 jQuery 1.3.2 吗?对于一个成立还不到 5 年的库来说,这已经是很多了。

您使用当前稳定版本的 jQuery(1.5.1)是否遇到同样的问题?



<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />

并查看使用最新稳定版本的 jQuery 是否遇到相同的问题。自 1.3 版本以来,它发生了很大变化。

Is there any reason why are you using jQuery 1.3.2 which is over 2 years old? For a library that isn't even 5 years old that is a lot.

Do you have the same problem using the current stable version of jQuery which is 1.5.1?

Are you sure that the IE uses the standards mode and the latest rendering engine to render your page?

Use this meta tag:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />

and see if you have the same problems using the latest stable version of jQuery. It has changed a lot since version 1.3.

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