我创建了一个基本的 Drupal 表单。现在我想,例如,如果一名工程师学生选择接受工业科学培训,那么所有书名都必须出现。但是,如果经济学学生选择培训业务,那么所有书名都必须只出现业务,而不是工业科学或其他的标题。
I have created a basic Drupal form. Now i want, if for example a ingenieur student choose for a training industrial sciences than must al titles of books appear. But, if a economics student choose for a training business than must al titles of books appear only the business and not the titles of industrial sciences or others.
I think a filter would fix my problem. Have someone a link to a tutorial?
Thanks in advance!
在不了解具体细节的情况下,包罗万象的解决方案是实现 hook_form_alter 对于该特定表单,这样您很可能只需根据用户拥有的角色/用户所属的组来切换加载选项的词汇表/列表的 ID ,这是示例。
Without knowing the specifics, the catch-all solution would be to implement hook_form_alter for that specific form, that way you would most likely just switch the ID of the vocabulary/list the options are loaded from depending on the roles the user has/group the user belongs to, here is an example.
However if we know more about your specifics, there may be more targeted solutions existing.
You can try heirarchical select list http://drupal.org/project/hierarchical_select