如何在 html django 中聚合
def get_detail(usr,dt):
res = Dataset.objects.filter(user = usr, date = dt).values('expense')
try :
except IndexError:
output=" "
return output
def metrics_new(request, year = None, month = None):
import calendar
from datetime import *
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
m = Profile.objects.filter(lead = 'sushanth' ,status='A')
if not year:
year = now.year
if not month:
month = now.month
year = int(year)
month = int(month)
d = calendar.mdays[month]
out_txt="<TABLE id=\"myTable\" class=\"tablesorter\">\n"
out_txt += "<THEAD>"
out_txt += "<TR>"
out_txt += "<TH> LDAP </TH>"
for i in xrange(1,d):
date_format = now.replace( year = year , month = month , day = i )
out_txt += "<TH>" + str(date_format) + "</TH>"
out_txt += "</TR>\n"
out_txt += "</THEAD>"
s_no = 0
for fetch in m:
out_txt += "<TR>"
ld = fetch.user
out_txt += "<TD>" + str(ld) + "</TD>"
for i in xrange(1,d):
date_format = now.replace( year = year , month = month , day = i )
out_txt += "<TD>" + str(get_details(ld,date_format)) + "</TD>"
out_txt += "<TR>\n"
out_txt +="</TABLE>\n"
cal_date = date(int(year), int(month), 1)
except ValueError:
raise Http404
prev_month = (cal_date + relativedelta(months = -1))
next_month = (cal_date + relativedelta(months = +1))
return render_to_response('metrics.html', {'table':out_txt,
'prev_month':prev_month,'next_month': next_month, },
context_instance = RequestContext(request))
user 2011-02-01 2011-02-02 2011-02-03 2011-02-04.......2011-02-28
x 2 4 5 2
y 1 2
z 4
user 2011-02-01 2011-02-02 2011-02-03 2011-02-04.......2011-02-28 total
x 2 4 5 2 13
y 1 2 3
z 4 4
这里我想要将数据汇总在 结束?
Wrote a excel format html metrics to represent the date wise counts
def get_detail(usr,dt):
res = Dataset.objects.filter(user = usr, date = dt).values('expense')
try :
except IndexError:
output=" "
return output
above code is a function
def metrics_new(request, year = None, month = None):
import calendar
from datetime import *
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
m = Profile.objects.filter(lead = 'sushanth' ,status='A')
if not year:
year = now.year
if not month:
month = now.month
year = int(year)
month = int(month)
d = calendar.mdays[month]
out_txt="<TABLE id=\"myTable\" class=\"tablesorter\">\n"
out_txt += "<THEAD>"
out_txt += "<TR>"
out_txt += "<TH> LDAP </TH>"
for i in xrange(1,d):
date_format = now.replace( year = year , month = month , day = i )
out_txt += "<TH>" + str(date_format) + "</TH>"
out_txt += "</TR>\n"
out_txt += "</THEAD>"
s_no = 0
for fetch in m:
out_txt += "<TR>"
ld = fetch.user
out_txt += "<TD>" + str(ld) + "</TD>"
for i in xrange(1,d):
date_format = now.replace( year = year , month = month , day = i )
out_txt += "<TD>" + str(get_details(ld,date_format)) + "</TD>"
out_txt += "<TR>\n"
out_txt +="</TABLE>\n"
cal_date = date(int(year), int(month), 1)
except ValueError:
raise Http404
prev_month = (cal_date + relativedelta(months = -1))
next_month = (cal_date + relativedelta(months = +1))
return render_to_response('metrics.html', {'table':out_txt,
'prev_month':prev_month,'next_month': next_month, },
context_instance = RequestContext(request))
I have generated the table and its working,how to aggregate the expenses at each row
output :
user 2011-02-01 2011-02-02 2011-02-03 2011-02-04.......2011-02-28
x 2 4 5 2
y 1 2
z 4
but i want the out in below format
user 2011-02-01 2011-02-02 2011-02-03 2011-02-04.......2011-02-28 total
x 2 4 5 2 13
y 1 2 3
z 4 4
here i want to aggregate the data at
the end ?is there any best way i can do this ?
Thanks in advance
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从视图中删除所有 HTML 创建代码。
视图需要为模板创建所需的变量,并且模板应该处理格式设置。也许创建一个用户列表,并为每个用户创建一个长度为 calendar.mdays[month] 的列表,其中包含该用户的范围和一个 sum 变量。
Remove all the HTML creating code from the view.
The view needs to create the needed variables for the template, and the template should deal with formatting. Perhaps create a list of users, and for each user, a list of length calendar.mdays[month], containing the expanses of this user, and a sum variable.
when you do it in the view, and have a list of expenses for each user, calculating the sum should be as easy as
Then your template code should be simple: