使用 PyCharm,为什么运行 Django 项目时的 PYTHONPATH 与运行 manage.pysyncdb 任务时不同?
默认情况下不应该是一样的吗?如果没有,是否有某种方法可以解决此问题,以便使用相同的 PYTHONPATH?
Shouldn't it be the same by default? If not, is there some way to fix this so that the same PYTHONPATH is used?
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修改pycharm的django_manage.py,在顶部所有现有代码之前插入以下代码。 django_manage.py 可以在 [PyCharm 安装目录]/helpers/pycharm/django_manage.py 中找到。
This may not be the ideal solution, but it works, and comes courtesy of my boss.
Modify pycharm's django_manage.py, inserting the following code at the top, before all existing code. django_manage.py can be found at [PyCharm install directory]/helpers/pycharm/django_manage.py.
您是否在“设置”>“设置”中为您的项目选择了正确的 python 安装? Python解释器?
Did you select the right python install for your project in Settings > Python Interpreter?