如何让 UITableView 行高自动调整为 UITableViewCell 的大小?
如何让 UITableView 行高自动调整为 UITableViewCell 的大小?
因此,假设我在 Interface Builder 中创建 UITableViewCell,并且它的高度超过标准大小,我怎样才能让 UITableView 行高自动调整大小呢? (即与必须在界面生成器中手动测量高度并以编程方式设置高度相反)
How to get a UITableView row height to auto-size to the size of the UITableViewCell?
So assuming I'm creating the UITableViewCell in Interface Builder, and it height is more than the standard size, how can I get the UITableView row height to autosize to it? (i.e. as opposed to manually having to measure the height in interface builder and than programmatically setting it)
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http://www.cimgf.com/2009/09/23/uitableviewcell-dynamic-height / 是一个很棒的教程。
http://www.cimgf.com/2009/09/23/uitableviewcell-dynamic-height/ is a great tutorial for this.
The main bit is
并根据您的数据源计算每行的高度。If all the cells are the same, set the
property onUITableView
to the size of your cell. If they're all different based on content, you're going to have to implement-tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:
and calculate the height for each row based on your data source.在带有表格视图的 xib 中,您可以添加一个单元格对象并将其链接到源代码中的 IBOutlet。您不会在任何地方使用它,您只会使用它来获取单元格的高度。
中,您可以使用该对象来获取高度。它不是 100% 自动的,但至少这可以省去您在 IB 中的单元格视图中进行更改时手动更新源代码的麻烦。如果所有行都属于同一类型(单元格),您可以通过编程方式设置
中释放 myDummyCellObject。In the xib with your tableview, you can add a cell object and link it to an IBOutlet in your source-code. You won't use it anywhere, you will just use this to get the height of the cell.
Then, in
you can use that object to get the height. It's not 100% automatic, but at least this saves you the trouble to manually update your source code when you make changes in the cell view in IB.If all rows are of the same type (cell) you can programatically set the
property instead of implementing the delegate method above. Depends on your scenario.Oh, and make sure you don't forget to release myDummyCellObject in
.实现 UITableViewDataSource 时所需方法:
When implement UITableViewDataSource required method:
从 iOS 8 开始,您可以选择工作通过在表格视图上指定这些选项来使用自动调整单元格大小:
As of iOS 8 you have the option to work with self-sizing cells by specifying these options on your table view:
This will work as long as the system can calculate the rows based on existing constraints or content. Take care that if you set automaticDimension then heightForRowAtIndexPath will not be called!
Sometimes with more complex data some cells can be calculated automatically, but others need a specific height calculation logic. In this case you should only set the estimatedRowHeight and then implement cellForRowAtIndexPath with automatic logic for the cells that can work correctly: