在 Java 中启动线程而不等待它们(使用 .join())是否危险?
当用java编写多线程互联网服务器时,主线程启动新的 并行处理传入请求。
如果主线程不等待(使用 .join()
)它们,有什么问题吗? (创建一个新线程然后等待它显然是荒谬的)。
我知道,在实际情况下,您应该(或“您必须”?)实施一个池 线程空闲时“重新使用”它们来处理新请求。
When writing a multithread internet server in java, the main-thread starts new
ones to serve incoming requests in parallel.
Is any problem if the main-thread does not wait ( with .join()
) for them?
(It is obviously absurd create a new thread and then, wait for it).
I know that, in a practical situation, you should (or "you must"?) implement a pool
of threads to "re-use" them for new requests when they become idle.
But for small applications, should we use a pool of threads?
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如果您需要一组线程,我将使用池和 执行器方法,因为它们会为您管理线程资源。如果您正在编写一个多线程网络服务器,那么我会研究使用(比如说)servlet 容器或框架,例如 Mina 。
You don't need to wait for threads.
They can either complete running on their own (if they've been spawned to perform one particular task), or run indefinitely (e.g. in a server-type environment).
They should handle interrupts and respond to shutdown requests, however. See this article on how to do this correctly.
If you need a set of threads I would use a pool and executor methods since they'll look after thread resource management for you. If you're writing a multi-threaded network server then I would investigating using (say) a servlet container or a framework such as Mina.
您的方法中唯一的问题是它无法扩展到超出特定请求率。如果请求传入的速度快于服务器处理它们的速度,则线程数量将不断增加。由于每个线程都会增加一些开销并占用CPU时间,因此处理每个请求的时间会变长,因此问题会变得更糟(因为线程数量增加得更快)。最终,将无法再处理任何请求,因为所有 CPU 时间都被开销浪费了。您的应用程序可能会崩溃。
幸运的是,Java API 已经提供了一个很好且灵活的 ThreadPool 实现,请参阅 ThreadPoolExecutor。使用它可能比使用原始方法实现所有内容更容易,所以没有理由不使用它。
The only problem in your approach is that it does not scale well beyond a certain request rate. If the requests are coming in faster than your server is able to handle them, the number of threads will rise continuously. As each thread adds some overhead and uses CPU time, the time for handling each request will get longer, so the problem will get worse (because the number of threads rises even faster). Eventually no request will be able to get handled anymore because all of the CPU time is wasted with overhead. Probably your application will crash.
The alternative is to use a ThreadPool with a fixed upper bound of threads (which depends on the power of the hardware). If there are more requests than the threads are able to handle, some requests will have to wait too long in the request queue, and will fail due to a timeout. But the application will still be able to handle the rest of the incoming requests.
Fortunately the Java API already provides a nice and flexible ThreadPool implementation, see ThreadPoolExecutor. Using this is probably even easier than implementing everything with your original approach, so no reason not to use it.
Thread.join() 允许您等待线程结束,这与启动新线程时的预期相反。总之,您启动新线程来与原始线程并行执行操作。
仅当您确实需要等待生成的线程完成时,您才应该 join() 它。
Thread.join() lets you wait for the Thread to end, which is mostly contrary to what you want when starting a new Thread. At all, you start the new thread to do stuff in parallel to the original Thread.
Only if you really need to wait for the spawned thread to finish, you should join() it.
You should wait for your threads if you need their results or need to do some cleanup which is only possible after all of them are dead, otherwise not.
For the Thread-Pool: I would use it whenever you have some non-fixed number of tasks to run, i.e. if the number depends on the input.
I would like to collect the main ideas of this interesting (for me) question.
I can't totally agree with "you
don't need to wait for threads".
Only in the sense that if you don't
join a thread (and don't have a
pointer to it) once the thread is
done, its resources are freed
(right? I'm not sure).
The use of a thread pool is only
necessary to avoid the overhead of
thread creation, because ...
You can limit the number of parallel
running threads by accounting, with shared variables (and without a thread pool), how many of then
were started but not yet finished.