jQuery + Flash Media Playback 或 YouTube:flv 播放完毕后调用函数?
我使用 Adobe 的 Flash Media Playback 将 .flv 影片嵌入 HTML。电影播放完毕后,是否可以使用 jQuery 和/或 Javascript 调用函数?通过嵌入 YouTube 视频可以实现这一点吗?
I have an .flv movie embedded in HTML using Adobe's Flash Media Playback. Once the movie finishes playing, is it possible to call a function with jQuery and/or Javascript? Would this be possible with an embedded YouTube video?
Once the movie finishes I need to display some content. At the moment, the user has to click a button to close the movie and continue on to that content and I'd like to remove the need for that click.
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是的,这是可能的。如果您有权访问动作脚本,则可以使用 ExternalInterface 与 javascript 进行通信。此外,youtube 有一个非常全面的 javascript api,应该允许您确定视频的状态,并在视频结束后使用player.getPlayerState()
Yes, that is possible. If you have access to the actionscript you can use an ExternalInterface to communicate with javascript. Also, youtube has an javascript api that is very comprehensive and should allow you to determine the status of the video and do whatever you want after it finishes with player.getPlayerState()