如何使用 PHP 或 javascript 获取 MAC 地址...
How can I get MAC Address using PHP or javascript...
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如何使用 PHP 或 javascript 获取 MAC 地址...
How can I get MAC Address using PHP or javascript...
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MAC 地址(低级本地网络接口地址)无法通过 IP 路由器。您无法从远程服务器找到客户端 MAC 地址。
在本地子网中,MAC 地址通过 ARP 系统映射到 IP 地址。本地网络上的接口知道如何将 IP 地址映射到 MAC 地址。然而,当您的数据包在本地子网上路由到(并通过)网关到达“真实”互联网时,原始 MAC 地址就会丢失。简单地说,数据包的每个子网到子网跃点都涉及相同类型的 IP 到 MAC 映射,用于每个子网中的本地路由。
The MAC address (the low-level local network interface address) does not survive hops through IP routers. You can't find the client MAC address from a remote server.
In a local subnet, the MAC addresses are mapped to IP addresses through the ARP system. Interfaces on the local net know how to map IP addresses to MAC addresses. However, when your packets have been routed on the local subnet to (and through) the gateway out to the "real" Internet, the originating MAC address is lost. Simplistically, each subnet-to-subnet hop of your packets involve the same sort of IP-to-MAC mapping for local routing in each subnet.
上面将基本上执行 getmac 程序并解析其控制台输出,从而得到服务器的 MAC 地址(和/或安装并运行 PHP 的位置)。
Above will basically execute the
program and parse its console-output, resulting to MAC-address of the server (and/or where everPHP
is installed and running on).这是一种可能的方法:
Here's a possible way to do it:
使用此函数获取客户端 MAC 地址:
Use this function to get the client MAC address:
如果客户端运行 Windows 并允许您安装 ActiveX 控件,您可以在 javascript 中获取客户端的 MAC 地址。
http://www.eggheadcafe .com/community/aspnet/3/10054371/how-to-get-client-mac-address.aspx
You can get the client's MAC address in javascript, if they are running Windows and allow you to install an ActiveX control.
To get client's device ip and mac address
这个想法是,使用命令 cmd ipconfig /all 并仅提取地址 mac。
他的索引 $pmac+33。
The idea is, using the command
cmd ipconfig /all
and extract only the address mac.Which his index $pmac+33.
And the size of mac is 17.
这会打印客户端计算机的 MAC 地址
This prints the mac address of client machine
首先,检查您的用户代理操作系统 Linux 或 Windows 或其他操作系统。
然后您的操作系统 Windows 然后此代码使用:
您的操作系统 Linux Ubuntu 或 Linux 然后此代码使用:
此代码可能适用于 OS X。
First you check your user agent OS Linux or windows or another.
Then Your OS Windows Then this code use:
And your OS Linux Ubuntu or Linux then this code use:
This code may be work OS X.