- 责任链
- 策略
I'm raising this question because of another question I asked here on SO some days ago.
I had to solve an specific problem, and after two replies I got, I realized two patterns can help to solve that problem (and any other similar).
- Chain of Responsibility
- Strategy
My question is:
What exactly is the difference between those patterns?
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流行的 GOF 示例是上下文帮助系统。当您单击桌面应用程序中的某个组件时,会显示哪些帮助?链中的第一项可以为您单击的组件寻求帮助。链中的下一步可以尝试显示整个包含对话框的帮助。接下来是应用程序模块......等等。
看起来您还没有,但应该阅读 GOF“设计模式”经典著作。
They're very different.
Strategy is about having a generic interface which you can use to provide different implementations of an algorithm, or several algorithms or pieces of logic which have some common dependencies.
For instance, your
could support aSortingStrategy
(merge sort, quick sort, bubble sort). They all have the same interface and purpose, but can do different things.In some cases you may decide to determine strategy inside. Maybe the sorter has some heuristics based on collection size etc. Most of the time it indeed is injected from outside. This is when the pattern really shines: It provides users the ability to override (or provide) behavior.
This pattern is base of the now-omnipresent Inversion of Control. Study that next once you're done with the classic patterns.
Chain of responsibility is about having a chain of objects which usually go from more detailed to more generic. Each of the pieces in chain can provide the answer, but they have different levels of detail.
Popular GOF example is a context help system. When you click on a component in your desktop app, which help to display? First item in chain could look for help for the very component you clicked. Next in chain could try and display help for the whole containing dialog. Next for the application module... and so on.
Looks like you haven't, but should, read the GOF "Design Patterns" classic.
In Chain of Responsibility, it is each object's responsibility to send the call on to the next object in the chain, if the object cannot handle it.
In Strategy, all objects have the same interface, but some outside force has to supply which one is used.
责任链模式表示“通过为多个对象提供处理请求的机会来避免将请求的发送者与其接收者耦合”。例如,ATM 在取款过程中使用责任链设计模式。
As the name suggests, the chain of responsibility pattern creates a chain of receiver objects for a request. This pattern decouples sender and receiver of a request based on type of request. This pattern comes under behavioral patterns. In this pattern, normally each receiver contains reference to another receiver.
A Chain of Responsibility Pattern says that just "avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving multiple objects a chance to handle the request". For example, an ATM uses the Chain of Responsibility design pattern in money giving process.
Strategy is a behavioral design pattern that lets you define a family of algorithms, put each of them into a separate class, and make their objects interchangeable.
In Strategy pattern, we create objects which represent various strategies and a context object whose behavior varies as per its strategy object. The strategy object changes the executing algorithm of the context object.
大多数模式在代码(甚至 uml)中看起来非常相似,但模式的核心是上下文、职责以及它们想要解决的特定问题,而不是特定的源代码。两者都出于不同的原因解耦不同的事物。
Most patterns look very similar in code (or even uml) but patterns are centrally about context, responsibilities the particular problem they intend to solve rather than a particular source code. both decouples different things and for different reasons.
The chain pattern separates the responsibility of sending a request from the handling of the request. there could be a number of classes that can handle the same type of request (these classes generally implement the same interface) but the pattern allows the request to be passed along from one class (in the chain) to the other until a handler who is most fit to handle the request gets it and is responsible for handling the request (or until a null handler gets it and indicates the end of the chain). If you allow the wrong handler to handle the request, the result may "NEVER" be correct
The strategy is about method of processing or algorithm selection. take example of a case where you want to calculate the average of some samples. Any algorithm may "ALWAYS" be correct in the given context (e.g all classes having a strategy does same thing: calculates the average ), but the way the average is calculated, or the strategy for calculating the average differs from one class to the other, and the strategy pattern allows you to select which strategy to use in a decoupled manner.
now compare this to the chain pattern , where there can be a request for calculating average in which there is one handler that is responsible for computing average and there could be another request to calculate the standard deviation in which there is another handler that is responsible for computing standard deviation. so the request to compute average will not in any situation be handled by any other handler other than the handler most fit. where as, any class in the strategy may calculate the average and if you don't like the way one class calculates average, you can "SWAP" one strategy for the other.
ways of implementing these in source code may differ from programmer to programmer but should PTSUT (pass the same unit test")
It could happen that certain members of the chain of responsibility may use strategy pattern to do their work
这就是你的结果。The most significant difference is a semantic behavior of the implementation.
Chain of Responsibility
can have0...ALL
of the responsibilities applied to an input and eachResponsibility
decides if acts on the input and then passes it on. This is a procedural pattern since all responsibilities may be applied.A
has one and only one of the strategies apply to an input. This is a usually creational pattern since only a single strategy is applied.Both can be implemented as a
using aVisitor Pattern
the difference would be you stop visiting when aStrategy
Strategy Pattern
can also be implemented as aMap
where theKey
is aPredicate
that can decide to end the iteration of the keys and then you just get theValue
and that is your result.您可以将责任链视为策略模式的特例,它更通用。正如 Konrad 所说,您使用基于模式的解决方案解决的问题是不同的。
BTW:你几乎可以在任何 GOF 模式中找到一种策略。
You can consider chain of responsibility as a special case of the strategy pattern, which is more generic. As stated by Konrad the problem you address with the pattern-based solution is different.
BTW: You can find a kind of strategy in almost any GOF pattern.
看看这个 SE 问题的策略示例:
请参阅以下有用的 SE 问题/链接
责任链模式 来自 oodesign
chain_of_responsibility 来自 sourcemaking
Strategy pattern:
Have a look at this SE question for Strategy example :
Real World Example of the Strategy Pattern
Chain of Responsibility:
Key points:
Real world example : In a company, a designated role have particular limits to process purchase request. If person with a designated role does not have enough power to approve purchase bill, he will forward the command/request to his successor, who have more power. This chain will continue until the command is processed.
Refer to below useful SE questions/links
Chain-of-responsibility-pattern from oodesign
chain_of_responsibility from sourcemaking
责任链更多的是实现模式 - 描述如何处理数据,但不关注什么(策略的目标)。
假设我们俱乐部有 100 名年轻游泳运动员,每年必须选拔 4 次 10 人队参加常规的全国比赛。
因此,您有 4 个专用策略,每个事件一个。
游泳运动员(自评)->生理学家->生物更新训练器->医生->游泳教练->队友->老师->父母... ---->战略/资格委员会
点2. 规模太大,无法用单一设计模式来分析。
Strategy pattern is a business level pattern, a standardized interface way of how to achieve given goals/data results.
Chain of responsibilities is more implementation pattern - describing how you process the data, but not focusing for what (goals of a strategy).
For example:
Let's say we have 100 young swimmers in a club and 4 times a year you must select 10 person team for a regular national competition.
The competitions have different profiles - some have more backstroke races, some more relay races, etc ... what means you must apply different team selection strategy.
So you have 4 dedicated strategies, one for each event.
In the code it could look like:
But how to get the rankings?
You just ask for opinion the coaching staff:
swimmer(self-assessment) -> physiologist -> biological renewal trainer -> doctor -> swimming trainer -> teammates -> teachers -> parents ... ----> strategy/qualifying committee
This is a chain of responsibilities. The order is important ... a doctor cannot assess a swimmer without evaluation from physiologist, parent opinion does not matter if main trainer rejects a swimmer ...
The ranking information is merged while passing from one processor to the next processor, some data are hidden for some processor, other can be decorated with additional notes ...
What is interesting in this case that as a narrator from the club you can think of strategy on two levels:
but in "Design Patterns" terminology the strategy pattern is only 1.
Point 2. is too big to analyze in terms of single design pattern.
It is important to remember that in Design Pattern analysis you should focus on rather small pieces of functionality, where you can easily identify a single pattern and implement it.
When functionality chunk is too big automatically many patterns and relation between them are involved, the discussion becomes chaotic, some guys are so fixated on some patterns that they see them everywhere. Identifying design patterns is based on slow analysis and careful problem decomposition.