每个 System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations 属性的用途是什么?
我正在使用带有 POCO 的实体框架 4 制作 MVC 3 应用程序。我想尽可能多地注释我的所有实体。然而,我遇到一个问题,我无法找到有关每个属性含义的良好文档。有些非常简单,例如 [Required]
或 [StringLength(...)]
。然而,对于像 [Association]
这样的属性,我并不是 100% 确定。我是否将其放在导航属性上?在外键属性上?仅在多对多关系上? thisKey
“thisKey:关联的 thisKey 端的键值的属性名称的逗号分隔列表。”
关联:如何使用 System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.AssociationAttribute
I am making an MVC 3 application using entity framework 4 with POCOs. I want to annotate all my entitys as much as possible. I am having a problem however that I cannot find good documentation on the meaning of every attribute. Some are pretty straight forward, like [Required]
or [StringLength(...)]
. With attributes like [Association]
however, I am not 100% sure. Do I put it on a navigation property? On a foreign key property? Only on many to many relations? Is thisKey
the primary key of this object or the foreign key in this object?
I cannot find any good resource which lists all these properties with a good explanation and examples.
For association, MSDN just says:"Specifies that an entity member represents a data relationship, such as a foreign key relationship."
and "thisKey: A comma-separated list of the property names of the key values on the thisKey side of the association."
I got an answer to a more specific question about one of the attributes:
Association: How do I use System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.AssociationAttribute
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AssociationAttribute 对于导航属性上的实体框架代码优先不执行任何操作。看起来似乎确实如此,但这实际上只是 EF 用于创建数据库的基于约定的逻辑。
The AssociationAttribute does nothing for entity framework code-first on a navigation property. It may seem like it does, but it's really just EF's convention-based logic for creating the db.