StrategyA : IStrategy
StrategyB : IStrategy
StrategyC : IStrategy
该接口只有一个计算方法。实现后,结果发现所有 3 个具体类型都具有相同的计算方法代码和两个名称相同的属性,只是设置了不同的值。
I have a piece of code where I started to put the strategy pattern in place, say as follows:
StrategyA : IStrategy
StrategyB : IStrategy
StrategyC : IStrategy
The interface just has a Calculate method on it. After implementing, it turned out that all 3 concrete types had identical code for the Calculate method and two identically named Properties, just with different values set.
So to remove duplication I made the interface an abstract class and moved the method and properties down to that, just setting the base properties with their respective values from within construction of the concrete types.
Now I know patterns aren't hard and fast rules, merely guidelines, but I've warped this so far from the guidelines that I can't help but think there's another pattern I should be looking at?
Can anyone suggest any other approaches please, that leave me so it would be easy to add on new 'Strategies' down the line. It may turn out that we need to alter the logic in some of these new cases, so how could I structure that so I don't have repeating code, but have a flexible design that lets me alter things down the line?
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为什么不创建一个具有所有常见功能的抽象类 BaseStrategy 类,并在所有具体策略中扩展它呢?
Why don't you create a
abstract class BaseStrategy
class that has all the common functionality, and extend it in all concrete strategies?您可以使用的其他替代方案是 模板 模式。但它有问题:它确实允许您更改新案例的算法,但方式非常有限。
Other alternative you can use is Template pattern. But it has problem: it does allow you to change the algorithm for the new cases but in a very limited way.
So if flexibility is your aim, Strategy is still the best answer and you are correctly right to create an abstract class for the common case.
Its hard to make assumption on paterns with knowing almost nothing about your business logic, but I would suggest to consider Builder pattern that lets you extract some code to abstract class and have sublasses have implement particular logic combined with Visitor patern to extract your algorythm from those concrete implementations classes.
It should naturaly come as you are coding, no patern is going to miraculously solve the goal you are trying to achieve.
实现 IStrategy 的抽象类 BaseStrategy。这样你就可以根据公共代码的存在与否来扩展或实现接口,并且客户端可以引用该接口
Have an interface IStrategy.
An abstract class BaseStrategy which implements IStrategy. This way you can extend or implement the interface based on the presence or absence of the common code and the client can refer to the interface