是否应该使用实体 Bean 作为域模型
鉴于 Java EE 世界中的新改进导致大量设计模式被弃用,DTO 基本上不受欢迎。
但是,我不希望数据库的关系结构决定客户端(Web 应用程序)如何使用我的 EJB 中的服务。由于技术的发展方式,我认为随着光纤技术和其他不可想象的技术成为现实,我们将在大约 5 年内完成对 UI 进行彻底改革的工作。所以我希望业务逻辑能够完全封装,以便我们可以随时轻松更改 UI。
考虑到这种想法,我正在开发一个纯 API 来表示业务模型和服务,以便客户端可以使用它。
然而,我必须一直编写转换器来将实体 bean 转换为该 API。这是正确的做法还是过度工程化了?
注意。该项目使用完整的 Java EE 6 平台
given the deprecation of loads of design patterns because of the new improvements in the Java EE world, DTO's are largely frowned upon.
However, I dont want the relational structure of database to dictate how the client(web app) uses the services in my EJB. Because of the way technology evolves, I see work being done in about 5 years time in trying to overhaul the UI as fibre optic technologies and other unthinkables becoming a reality. So i want the business logic to be completely encapsulated to allow easily changing the UI whenever we want.
With this thinking in mind, i am developing a pure api to represent the business model and services so the client can use that instead.
However, I'm having to write converters all the time to convert the entity beans to this API. Is this the right thing to do or am over engineering.
Your feedback and opinion largely welcomed.
NB. This project uses the full Java EE 6 platform
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我建议使用典型的工具(例如 Hibernate 或 Spring)来填充持久层中的实体。然后,使用代理在数据库和域层类/对象之间移动状态。
There are conflicting "religions" about the best way to proceed. I, like you, prefer more object-oriented solutions, which means that DB rows (entities) are not equal to business domain objects. So, what to do?
I'd recommend using your typical tooling, e.g. Hibernate or Spring, to populate entities in your persistence layer. Then, use brokers to move state between the DB and the domain layer classes/objects.
HTH, Mark