Word 旨在以尽可能接近所见即所得的模式显示您正在处理的文档,这意味着白色背景和黑色(或彩色)文本。 还没有找到设置不同背景颜色的方法,但是您设置的任何文本颜色都会导致打印该颜色,这可能不是您想要的结果。
Word is designed to show the document you're working on in as close to WYSIWYG mode as it can manage, which means white background and black (or coloured) text. Haven't found a way to set a different background colour, but any text colour you set will result in that colour being printed which is probably not what you're looking for as a result.
Word 旨在以尽可能接近所见即所得的模式显示您正在处理的文档,这意味着白色背景和黑色(或彩色)文本。
Word is designed to show the document you're working on in as close to WYSIWYG mode as it can manage, which means white background and black (or coloured) text.
Haven't found a way to set a different background colour, but any text colour you set will result in that colour being printed which is probably not what you're looking for as a result.