No, you can not. That's what WhoisGuard (and other services are for).
If you have a complaint about the website you need to contact its Hosting provider or the address given by WhoisGuard - but you will not be able to find out "This website belongs to John Malkovich, living in Washington D.C." via any sources if the owner decided to hide the WHOIS information.
不,你不能。这就是 WhoisGuard(以及其他服务)的用途。
如果您对该网站有投诉,您需要联系其托管提供商或 WhoisGuard 提供的地址 - 但如果所有者决定隐藏 WHOIS 信息。
No, you can not. That's what WhoisGuard (and other services are for).
If you have a complaint about the website you need to contact its Hosting provider or the address given by WhoisGuard - but you will not be able to find out "This website belongs to John Malkovich, living in Washington D.C." via any sources if the owner decided to hide the WHOIS information.