我需要将 NSWindow 作为子窗口添加到其他应用程序的窗口中。
我想用 - (void)addChildWindow:(NSWindow *)childWindow returned:(NSWindowOrderingMode)orderingMode
但我知道该窗口的 ID。我如何获取该窗口的 windowRef?
I need to add my NSWindow as a child to window of other application.
I want to use- (void)addChildWindow:(NSWindow *)childWindow ordered:(NSWindowOrderingMode)orderingMode
But I know the ID of that window. How I can get windowRef of that window?
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这些窗口不属于您,因此您不会获得使用此方法所需的窗口引用。最好的选择是使用辅助功能 API 来观看所需的窗口,并在目标窗口移动或调整大小时将您自己的窗口移动到所需的位置。
Those windows don't belong to you so you're not going to get the window reference you need to use this method. Your best bet is to use the Accessibility API to watch the desired window and move your own window to the desired position when the target window is moved or resized.