我正在考虑在我的 Web 应用程序中使用树视图进行页面导航,类似于 Windows 资源管理器。管理员需要在应用程序中配置很多东西,因此我认为以树形形式在单个页面中列出所有链接将使事情井井有条。相关页面链接被分组在一个“文件夹”中,所有文件夹最初都会显示为关闭。
I'm thinking of using a tree view for page navigation in my web application, similar to Windows Explorer. There are a lot of things for administrators to configure in the application so I figured listing all links in a single page in tree form would keep things organized. Related page links are grouped in a "folder", and all folders will show closed initially.
Obviously, this page is for administrators only, so they'd be provided with some training. That being said, is this a good design from user's point of view? Do you see any usability or potential implementation issues?
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最好的答案涉及经验证据。根据特定任务和目标受众的不同,“是”或“否”的答案可能会有所不同。尝试与您的用户进行 5 分钟的简单可用性测试。在纸上画出页面布局,并让几个用户假装使用该网站(请参阅纸质原型)。给他们一些简单的任务,让他们使用你的界面完成,并观察他们的行为。
The best answer involves empirical evidence. A yes or no answer could really vary based on the specific task and your intended audience. Try doing a simple 5 minute usability test with your users. Draw out your page layouts on paper and have a couple of users pretend to use the site (see Paper Protyping). Give them a few simple tasks to complete using your interface and observe what they do.
If they get confused or have trouble with the concept, then it's probably best to find another way to provide navigation.
It totally depends on how your users are using your site. If they're often jumping from one part of the site to a completely different, unrelated place in the site, a tree may be the best way to let them quickly find that "other page" they were looking for.
However, for the vast majority of websites I've ever seen or used, I'd prefer to find what I'm looking for either via Search functionality, or by links on the page I'm looking at that lead me to related data.