liferay 门户中的多媒体支持
I am new to liferay portal.. Does it supports multimedia file formats by default.. or any plugins needs to be added..?
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您可以将任何内容上传到文档库 - 这可以是任何类型的文件。还有一些插件可用于(例如)在页面上嵌入 Flash 或视频 - 这些插件也可能来自外部位置,但不是必须的。
门户本身是不可知的:它只生成 HTML,因此支持您可以在 HTML 中生成的所有内容(以及引用的文件:图像、CSS、视频、音频等)。没有专门的“流媒体服务器”,以块或部分方式提供大型多媒体文件,但您仍然可以通过引用外部流媒体服务器来嵌入它们(如果这是您所需要的 - 媒体流不是门户的核心业务)
以供参考来自 CMS 的此类内容通常需要查看结构和模板。这些可以帮助您将媒体链接与生成的 HTML 分开。
You can upload any content to the document library - this can be files of any type. There are also plugins available to (for example) embed flash or videos on the page - these might as well come from external locations, but don't need to.
The portal itself is agnostic: It just generates the HTML, therefor everything that you can generate in HTML (and referenced files: images, css, video, audio etc) is supported. There's no specialized "streaming server", delivering large multimedia files in chunks or partially, but you can still embed them by referencing an external streaming server (if this is what you need - media streaming is not the core business of a portal)
For referencing such content from the CMS it usually pays to take a look into structures and templates. These help you to separate the links to media from the generated HTML.