如何在 MFC SDI 应用程序中将控件设置为与视图右对齐
我创建了一个MFC SDI应用程序,并且视图派生自CFormView,因此我可以在对话框上放置一些控件。我在对话框的右侧放置了一个组框,并在组框内放置了一些其他控件,例如编辑框等。
I have created a MFC SDI application, and the view is derived from CFormView, so i can put some controls on the dialog. I have put a groupbox at the right side of the dialog and put some other controls inside the groupbox, such as edit box etc.
What i want is the groupbox and the controls inside right aligned with the dialog when i am resizing the view, just like the followingbehavior in C#: set the anchor property of groupbox to be "Right"
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EasySize 是我想要的
The EasySize is what i want