DDE 控制 TeXnicCenter
我使用 TeXnicCenter for LaTeX,并希望使用 DDE 控件来轻松查看 pdf 版本。 Acrobat X 似乎更改了服务器名称,这造成了破坏。 我尝试了“AcroViewR10”或“acroviewR10”等组合,但仍然不起作用。
任何人都可以通过修复 DDE 或如何在重新编译时自动关闭 pdf 来解决问题吗?
I use TeXnicCenter for LaTeX and would like to have the DDE controls working to easily view the pdf versions. Acrobat X seems to have changed the servername and this is breaking things.
I tried "AcroViewR10" or "acroviewR10" and other combination, but still it does not work.
As a work around, using command line argument "%bm.pdf" works, but I manually need to close the pdf everytime before recompiling. So, it takes an extra click or so.
Can anyone give some insight to solve the problem either by fixing DDE or how to close the pdf automatically when it is recompiled?
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事实上,Martyn 和 Adam Nellis 的回答解决了这个问题。非常感谢各位。我只是一步一步地写出来,以便其他人可以使用它。
第一步:Adobe ReaderX
在 Adobe Reader X 中,转到“编辑”>“首选项”>“常规”,然后取消选中“启动时启用保护模式”。
转到构建->定义输出配置文件->选择“Latex 转 PDF”->查看器选项卡
(即使您使用 Adobe Reader 11,也可以使用此选项)
Actually, the answers from Martyn and Adam Nellis solved this problem. Thanks a lot, folks. I am just putting it step by step, so someone else can use it.
Step1: Adobe ReaderX
In Adobe Reader X, go to Edit>Preferences>General and uncheck "Enable Protected Mode at startup".
Step2: TeXnicCenter
Go to Build->Define Output Profiles-> choose "Latex to PDF" -> Viewer tab
2.1. For "View Project's Output" & "Forward Search"
2.2. For "Close Document"
(use this option even if you use Adobe Reader 11)
对于使用 Acrobat X pro 的用户,服务器应为 AcroviewA10,可执行文件应为 Acrobat.exe
For those using Acrobat X pro, the server should be AcroviewA10 and the excecutable should be Acrobat.exe
对于较新版本的 Adobe [DocClose] 不再起作用。所以你必须进行更新。在 texnicCenter 中按 Alt+F7,转到“查看器”选项卡并相应地遵循示例(适用于带有 Adobe11 的 Win7):
在可执行路径中,您必须具有类似“C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\ AcroRd32.exe”
运行 (La)Tex 之前关闭文档 >>>选择“DDE”并输入
For the newer version of Adobe [DocClose] doesn't work anymore. So you have to make updates. In texnicCenter hit Alt+F7, go to Viewer TAB and follow the example accordingly (works on Win7 with Adobe11):
in Executable path you have to have something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe"
View Project's Output >>> Choose "command line argument" and enter
"%bm.pdf" in command
Forward Search >>> Choose "command line argument" and enter
"%bm.pdf" in command
Close Document Before Running (La)Tex >>> Choose "DDE" and enter
"[AppExit]" in command
"AcroViewR11" in Server
"control" in Topic
我使用的是 Windows Vista Business 版、TeXnicCenter 1.0 和 Adobe Reader 10.0
转到“构建”->“定义输出配置文件”->“构建”->“定义输出配置文件”。选择“Latex => PDF”
1) 在查看器选项卡中,将可执行文件位置更改为指向
2) 查看项目的输出:选择 DDE 命令并输入
3) 正向搜索:选择 DDE 命令并输入
4) 运行前关闭文档 ( La)TeX: 选择 DDE 命令并输入
特别是,我需要做的是第 4 点,尽管搜索了一段时间,这是我找到将 DDE 命令切换到 [AppExit] 的建议的唯一地方,并且它有效对待。谢谢克劳迪娅!
我根本不需要更改 Adobe Reader 设置(即启动时它仍处于保护模式)。
I realise this question is a little old, but I have just been struggling with this problem (not used TeXnicCenter for a wile, so hadn't noticed the problems when upgrading Adobe) and this thread is the only one that solved the problem for me. I had to use a combination of the above answers, though, so I thought I would document what worked for me.
I am using Windows Vista Business edition, TeXnicCenter 1.0, and Adobe Reader 10.0
Go to Build->Define Output Profiles-> choose "Latex => PDF"
1) In the viewer tab, change the executable location to point to
2) View project's output: Select DDE command and enter
3) Forward search: Select DDE command and enter
4) Close document before running (La)TeX: Select DDE command and enter
In particular, it was point 4 that I needed to do, and despite searching a while, this is the only place I have found advice to switch the DDE command to [AppExit] and it worked a treat. Thanks Claudia!
I have not needed to change the Adobe Reader settings at all (i.e. it is still in Protected Mode at Startup).
对于“查看项目的输出”& “正向搜索”
不确定它是否有区别,但在 Windows 注册表中键:
两者的值都设置为“AcroviewR10” “(无引号)。
My settings are:
For "View Project's Output" & "Forward Search"
For "Close document"
That works for me except for two things:
So not major problems but just small annoyances.
Not sure if it makes a difference but in the windows registry the keys:
Both have values set to "AcroviewR10" (no quotes).
我使用 Acrobat Pro XI 并进行以下设置:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe(适用于 32 位版本)和
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe(适用于 64 位版本)
查看项目的输出 & 正向搜索
I use Acrobat Pro XI and have the following settings:
Path of Executable:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe (for 32bit version) and
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe (for 64bit version)
View Project's Output & Forward Search
"command line argument" and "%bm.pdf"
Close document
"DDE" and enter "[AppExit]" in command "AcroviewA11" in Server "Control" in Topic