带有可点击条形的 g.raphael 条形图
我想让堆叠条形图的每个部分(在我的例子中是水平的)可单击到特定的超链接(基本上是“向下钻取”)。我认为 g.bar.js 中没有这个功能,但是有人这样做过或者可以为我指出正确的方向吗?在点图上也很有用。
I'd like to make each segment of a stacked bar graph (horizontal in my case) clickable to a specific hyperlink (basically "drill down"). I don't think this functionality is in g.bar.js, but has anyone done this or can point me in the right direction? Would also be useful on dot charts.
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使用提供的演示条形图,我向 fin 函数添加了一行:
Okay, posting the question seems to have motivated me to figure it out...
Using the demo bar chart provided, I added a line to the fin function:
上面建议的 this.attr 对我不起作用,但这确实有效:
the suggested this.attr above didn't work for me, but this did: