iPhone - 替代横向视图问题
根据 Apple 的替代视图示例,我尝试通过为列表视图控制器实现模式视图控制器来实现此行为。当我处于列表视图时(当我将设备转为横向模式时,覆盖流视图控制器会正确呈现),这工作得很好。当我显示详细视图时,问题就出现了。当我更改设备方向时,封面流再次出现。我期望的是,仅当列表视图出现在屏幕上时才会显示封面流程。看起来模态视图控制器总是可见的,无论 NC 堆栈上当前有什么 VC。
在我看来,将模态 VC 呈现为特定 VC 的横向视图不适用于多个导航级别。
我还尝试将横向视图作为子视图添加到视图控制器视图中。使用此解决方案时,我的导航级别没有问题,但这里的问题是选项卡栏在横向模式下没有隐藏。我需要隐藏封面流的选项卡栏,这是通过呈现模态 VC 来实现的。
I'm having the landscape mode issue and I can not find the way out. Basically, I'm having a tab bar application and in the first tab i have navigation controller. In this navigation controller, first view contains table with items and after clicking the item, detail view describing the item is pushed.
I need to implement landscape mode for both list and detail view, but for list view, i need to use different view controller for landscape mode (generally, something like cover flow). Detail view is just changing orientation and no need to use alternate view controller in this case.
I tried to achieve this behaviour by implementing modal view controller for list view controller, according to Alternate Views example by Apple. This works fine when I'm in list view (when I turn device into landscape mode, cover flow view controller is correctly presented). Problem comes when I'm showing detail view. When I change the device orientation, cover flow shows up again. What I expected is that cover flow will be presented only in case that list view is on the screen. It seems like modal view controller is always visible no matter what VC is currently on the stack of NC.
It seems to me that presenting modal VC as landscape view for particular VC is not working for multiple navigation levels.
I also tried to add landscape view as a subview into view controllers view. When using this solution, i have no problem with navigation levels, but issue here is that tab bar is not hidden in landscape mode. I need to hide tab bar for cover flow, which is achieved by presenting modal VC.
I will appreciate any help with this issue.
Great thanks!
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In the detail view controller, you could set up a different view entirely using something like this (code from a recent project of mine):
And now to hide the tabbar when you are in landscape (bit of a hack, but works):
For this project, I added a view called "graphView" that I wanted to appear if and only if in landscape mode, and then I wanted to tabbar to be hidden. This sounds similar to what you're after, I think.
The only potential problem I foresee is that if you enter landscape mode before the detail view is pushed, things could get wonky. Therefore you may want to use these methods in the list view controller instead. This particular problem never arose for me, but it's something I thought about before I realized it was moot.