Word 2010:自动从文件夹填充 Backstage 选项卡
我们即将从 Office 2000 迁移到 2010,并正在研究如何最好地向用户提供我们的模板。
我想要做的是将 Office.com 模板替换为我们自己的模板。
查看文档和 Technet 博客,我发现我们可以在 Backstage 视图中创建或修改选项卡,但我试图找出是否可以以相对不干涉的方式做到这一点。
We're about to move from Office 2000 to 2010 and are looking at how best to provide our templates to users.
What I want to do is replace the Office.com templates with our own.
Looking at the documentation and Technet blogs I see that we can either create or amend the tabs in the Backstage view, but I am trying to find out if we can do this in a relatively hands-off manner.
Our templates are stored on a network server, with subfolders grouping similar templates. Whilst we could point Workgroup templates at the root folder and get the My Templates dialog, this feels like a step back.
1) Can we create a backstage tab (or replace the New tab)
2) Can we set this tab up to automatically display the templates that are in the folder and use the subfolders to sort the templates? Such that if a new template is added to a folder we do not need to roll out a new version of the backstage
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当然,Office 2010 File New Backstage 不太适合企业环境。
要禁用“来自 Office.com 的模板”,您可以使用 Windows 组策略(该选项名为“禁用从客户端和 Office.com 下载模板”)。
但是,您会在文件新建后台中找到“示例模板”条目。这些模板无法卸载。在 WordMVPS 网站上的此页面上查找详细信息。
是的,您可以通过加载项创建新的 Backstage 选项卡,或隐藏 Word 文件“新建”选项卡(您将需要这两个选项卡)。
如果您想模仿 Pre-Office 2007 FileNew 对话框,您还必须重复使用完全满足您需要的加载项。例如,从网络共享读取文件并将其显示在 Backstage 视图中。然而,我在过去几年中开发的文件新替代品确实重复出现在配置文件中,因为您可以向用户显示附加信息,例如关于模板的使用或关于差异(“法律意见”之间的差异)小”和“法律意见书大”等)。配置文件的管理也是“手动”的,没有任何问题。
Of course the Office 2010 File New Backstage is not very appropriate for a corporate environment.
To disable the "Templates from Office.com" you can use a Windows Group Policy (the option is named "Disable template downloads from the client and from Office.com").
However, you'll find in the File New Backstage still the entry for "Sample Templates". These templates cannot be uninstalled. Find detailed information on this page on the Word MVPS site.
Your question 1:
Yes, you can create a new Backstage Tab, or hide the Word File New tab (you'll need both) throug an add-in.
Your question 2:
If you want to mimic the Pre-Office 2007 FileNew dialogs, you must also recurr to an add-in which does exactly what you need. For example, read the files from a network share and display them in the Backstage view. However, the File New replacements I've developed in the last years did recurr to a configuration file, because you have the possbility to display additional information for the users, e.g. about the use of the template, or about differences (between "Legal Opinion small" and "Legal Opinion large" etc.). Administration of a config file is also "hands-on" without problems.
在快速访问工具栏上,您可以放置另一个“从模板新建”图标(我不知道它到底叫什么,但它在 Microsoft 的图标选择中),它会直接打开弹出窗口,其中包含所有内容您的模板,而无需通过后台进行荒谬的冗长过程。
At least in Word there is one other option:
On the Quick access toolbar you can put another "New from Template" icon (I don't know what it is exactly called anymore, but it is there in the selection of icon from Microsoft) which opens up straight the Pop up window with all your templates without going trough the ridiculous long winded process via the Backstage.