偶尔(阅读:当我的未婚夫允许时)我喜欢制作不同游戏或类似游戏的想法的原型。通常我使用 Java 或 C#(还不是 xna),因为它们是我练习最多的语言。不过我想学习一些更适合敏捷开发的东西;一种更容易敲出快速原型的语言。
在我的工作中,我最近一直在使用更宽松的(弱/动态类型)语言,特别是 python 和 groovy,我认为类似的东西适合我正在寻找的东西。
所以,我的问题是:什么语言(和框架/引擎)适合快速开发 2D 游戏概念的原型?
- 我不需要极快的位运算性能。在这种情况下,我强烈希望开发的简便性超过性能。
- 我想使用一种具有健康社区的语言,这对我来说意味着大量维护的第三方库。
- 我希望该语言能够跨平台友好,我在各种不同的操作系统上工作,并且希望能够轻松移植。
- 我无法想象自己使用一种没有适当的调试选项和编辑器语法突出显示支持的语言。
注意:如果您知道您认为可以简化游戏原型制作的 Java 或 C# 库/框架,我也愿意学习这些语言的新知识
Occasionally ( read: when my fiancé allows ) I like to prototype different game or game-like ideas I have. Usually I use Java or C# (not xna yet) because they are the languages I have the most practice with. However I would like to learn something more suited to agile development; a language in which it would be easier to knock out quick prototypes.
At my job I have recently been working with looser (weak/dynamically typed) languages, specifically python and groovy, and I think something similar would fit what I am looking for.
So, my question is: What languages (and framework/engine) would be good for rapidly developing prototypes of 2d game concepts?
A few notes:
- I don't need blazing fast bitcrunching performance. In this case I would strongly prefer ease of development over performance.
- I'd like to use a language with a healthy community, which to me means a fair amount of maintained 3rd party, libraries.
- I'd like the language to be cross-platform friendly, I work on a variety of different operating systems and would like something that is portable with minimum effort.
- I can't imagine myself using a language with out decent options for debugging and editor syntax highlighting support.
Note: If you are aware of a Java or C# library/framework that you think streamlines producing game prototypes I open to learning something new for those languages too
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Python + pyglet 或 cocos2d
我使用 pyglet 制作了我最近刚刚完成的 iPhone 游戏的原型。合作起来很愉快,而且速度绝对很快。
Python + pyglet or cocos2d
I used pyglet to prototype an iPhone game that I just recently finished. It was a joy to work with, and definitely rapid.
我使用 Clojure 进行 2D 游戏开发,取得了很好的早期成果。
I have had great early results using Clojure for 2D game development.
Reasons for this are:
查看 PyGame http://www.pygame.org/news.html
对于 C#,使用快速 Windows 窗体或 WPF 应用程序与绘图基元相结合也效果很好。
Check out PyGame at http://www.pygame.org/news.html
Personally I'm not much of a fan of it. Far too messy, but I've used it in the past for prototypes with great success.
For C# using a quick Windows Form or WPF application in combination with drawing primitives has worked well too.
Microsoft SmallBasic
开发非常简单,请检查发布的应用程序 - 附有源代码。另一个优点是您可以重用您的 .NET 知识。
这里最大的问题是多平台性 - 它的应用程序使用 Silverlight 运行,这是一种跨平台(Windows + MacOS X,Moonlight for Linux,但我不确定它是否支持 SmallBasic)。但据我所知,开发环境只有Windows。
Microsoft SmallBasic
The development is as simple as it gets, check the posted apps - source codes are attached. Another advantage is that you could reuse your knowledge of .NET.
The biggest issue here is the multiplatformness - its applications run using Silverlight, which is kind of cross-platform (Windows + MacOS X, Moonlight for Linux, but I'm not sure it supports SmallBasic). But AFAIK the development environment is Windows only.
根据您想要的游戏类型,AS3/Flex 原型是一个有效的选择。 Flash Develop 是一个不错的开源 IDE,而且 SDK 本身也是开源的。
该语言比 Java 或 C# 宽松得多,因此尽管它在凝聚力方面付出了高昂的代价,但它非常适合原型/快速而肮脏的开发。
Depending on the kind of game you are looking to prototype AS3/Flex is a valid choice. Flash Develop is a decent open-source IDE, and the SDK itself is open-source.
The language is much looser than Java or C#, so even though it pays for it dearly in cohesion, it's extremely well suited for prototypes/quick and dirty development.