Sourcegear Vault:如何获取签出文件的自动列表?
如何获取 Sourcegear Vault 中每个用户所有签出文件的列表?
How can I get a list of all checked out files per user in Sourcegear Vault?
Use of this functionality:
From time to time we have developers leaving files checked out and although this results in drastic punishment (they owe a coffee to the person who needed the checked out file) we are still left with files checked out and work held up.
We would like to display a list of all current number of files checked out by each developer. This way they can check if they have anything checked out before they go home or out the office.
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在 Vault 客户端应用程序中,使用窗口底部的“搜索”选项卡。
要自动执行此操作,请使用 Vault 命令行客户端 (vault.exe)。
它将为您提供所有签出文件及其用户的 XML 列表。您可以转换结果,或使用命令行客户端的源代码(作为 Vault .NET API 的示例提供)作为编写您自己的版本的起点。
可以从 - 不想链接到下一个版本后将过时的特定版本。
In the Vault Client app, use the Search tab at the bottom of the window.
Select Search By: "Checked Out By" to see a list of all files checked out by a specific user, or by any user.
You can choose to search a specific sub-folder, or from the root, recursively or not.
To automate this, use the Vault Command-Line client (vault.exe)
Will give you a list, in XML, of all checked-out files and their users. You can transform the results, or use the command-line client's source code (provided as an example with the Vault .NET API) as a starting point to write your own version.
The various clients and APIs can be grabbed from - didn't want to link to a specific version that would be outdated after the next release.