Depending on how complex the business rules are you could you a flow charting app like Visio. If the rules are numerous and complex your diagram might get large or have to span several pages to be readily consumable by persons other than yourself (page object links work well for this case.)
I have produced charts like these that have spanned up to 20 printed pages (4x5) with many dozens of objects and decision points. The end result, though large, is very useful because the non-tech, biz-types can follow along, help make decisions and programming the biz logic from the chart becomes almost trivial.
根据业务规则的复杂程度,您可以使用 Visio 等流程图应用程序。如果规则众多且复杂,您的图表可能会变得很大,或者必须跨越多个页面才能供您以外的其他人轻松使用(页面对象链接非常适合这种情况。)
我已经制作了类似这样的图表,最多跨越 20 个页面包含许多对象和决策点的打印页面(4x5)。最终结果虽然很大,但非常有用,因为非技术、商业类型可以跟进,帮助做出决策,并且从图表中编程商业逻辑变得几乎微不足道。
Depending on how complex the business rules are you could you a flow charting app like Visio. If the rules are numerous and complex your diagram might get large or have to span several pages to be readily consumable by persons other than yourself (page object links work well for this case.)
I have produced charts like these that have spanned up to 20 printed pages (4x5) with many dozens of objects and decision points. The end result, though large, is very useful because the non-tech, biz-types can follow along, help make decisions and programming the biz logic from the chart becomes almost trivial.