bugzilla 500 错误
我已经根据提供的说明在我的 centOs 5 上安装了 bugzilla 3.6.4 http ://www.bugzilla.org/docs/3.6/en/html/installation.html。我选择了 mod_perl 方法来执行它。我看到我的 bugzilla 正在运行,当我去创建一个新帐户时,我通过邮件获得令牌 url。但是一旦我填写表格并提交,就会出现 500 错误,并且忘记密码也会发生同样的情况。 不知道为什么会发生。
提前非常感谢 -DD
I have setup bugzilla 3.6.4 on my centOs 5 based on the instruction provided http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/3.6/en/html/installation.html . I chose mod_perl approach to execute it. I see my bugzilla running , when I go to create a new account , i get token url through mail. But once I fill the form and submit , 500 error occurs and same happens with forgot password .
No clue why it is happening .
Help is really really appreciated .
Thanks a ton in advance
如果您收到 500 错误,请检查您的 Web 服务器日志。与浏览器显示的普通消息相比,它通常包含更详细的错误消息。如果我没记错的话,CentOS 将日志放入 /var/log/httpd 中,但您可能在 httpd.conf 或虚拟服务器文件中定义了另一个路径。
If you get an 500 error, check out your web servers log. It usually contains a more detailed error message compared to the plain message that the browser displays. If I remember it correctly CentOS puts logs into /var/log/httpd but you might have defined another path inside your httpd.conf or your virtual server files.