用 [android]
我们有许多具有用户反馈功能的 Android 和 iPhone 应用程序纳入他们的用户界面。这些允许用户留下评论、报告错误、对应用程序进行评分、请求支持等。
目前,应用程序向我们的后端发出 Web 服务调用,后端将它们转换为电子邮件并发送给我们。
我们希望将其替换为对由其他人托管的远程后端服务的 API 调用,该服务专门从事此类事情,并为我们提供了一个用于查看和整理反馈的 Web 界面。 API 需要支持我们可以根据需要设置的任意字段。
我希望以某种方式将其与适用于 Android 和 iPhone 的 Google Analytics API 集成,但它不够灵活。像 FogBugz 这样的解决方案似乎可以完成这项工作,但它是一个太重量级的解决方案 - 我们不需要任何花哨的东西。
Tagged with [android]
so that someone will actually read this, but applies equally to other application platforms.
We have a number of Android and iPhone applications which have user-feedback functionality incorporated into their user interfaces. These allow the user to leave comments, report bugs, rate the application, request support, etc.
Currently, the applications make a web service call to our backend, which converts them into email and sends them to us.
We would like to replace this with an API call to a remote backend service hosted by someone else, a service that specialises in this sort of thing, and provides us with a web interface for viewing and collating the feedback. The API would need to support arbitrary fields that we can set up as we see fit.
I was hoping to somehow integrate this with the Google Analytics APIs for Android and iPhone, but it's not flexible enough. The likes of FogBugz would seem to do the job, but it's too heavyweight a solution - we don't need anything that fancy.
This question touches on the same issue, but concentrates on self-hosted software. I'm looking for a service provided by someone else.
Free services preferred, for obvious reasons, but commercial options considered also.
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您可以查看 userrules.com。我们公开了一个 API 来收集所有计划都可用的反馈。此外,通过单一计划,您可以将所有应用程序配置为单独的产品。许多 iPhone 应用程序都使用我们的 API 来收集反馈,然后由我们的管理员来管理这些反馈。
You can look into userrules.com. We expose an API to collect feedback which is available with all plans. Also with single plan you can configure your all applications as separate products. Lots of iphone apps are using our API to collect the feedback and then our Admin to manage those.
我听说过有关 GetSatisfaction http://getsatisfaction.com/ 的好消息
UserVoice 以及 http://uservoice.com/
I've heard good things about GetSatisfaction http://getsatisfaction.com/
UserVoice as well http://uservoice.com/
www.SimpleFeedback.com 提供反馈服务,该服务具有 Web 服务 API,供您提交反馈。您必须将您的字段映射到我们定义的字段。除了姓名、电子邮件、评级和评论等基本字段之外,我们还有两个自定义字段,称为反馈类型和反馈类别。您可以定义类型和类别。例如,您可以将类型定义为“Bug Report”、“Suggestion”、“Question”或“Testimonial”。类别是子类型。每种类型都有自己的一组类别。
提交反馈后,我们可以通过电子邮件通知您。我们的 SimpleFeedback 中心存储您的所有反馈,并提供一个漂亮的 UI,用于报告、排序、过滤、响应和其他反馈管理工具。
我们还提供反馈按钮和反馈表,供没有自己的表单的网站使用。我们也有一个用于自托管 WordPress 博客的插件。不想自己编写的开发人员也可以使用 iPhone 反馈表。
www.SimpleFeedback.com offers a feedback service that has a web service API for you to submit your feedback. You'll have to map your fields to our defined fields. Along with basic fields like name, email, rating, and comment, we have two custom fields called feedback type and feedback category. You get to define the types and categories. For example, you can define the types to be "Bug Report", "Suggestion", "Question", or "Testimonial". Categories are subtypes. Each Type has its own set of Categories.
We can notify you via email when feedback is submitted. Our SimpleFeedback Center stores all your feedback and provides a nice UI for reporting, sorting, filtering, responding, and other feedback management tools.
We also provide a feedback button and feedback form to use on websites who do not have their own form. We have a plugin for self hosted WordPress blogs, too. An iPhone feedback form is also available for developers who don't want to write their own.
HelpStack 提供免费和付费解决方案。在免费解决方案中,您必须通过电子邮件进行交流。对于付费解决方案,您必须使用 ZenDesk、HappyFox 或 Desk.com。它支持 iOS 和 Android。我还没有尝试过,但看起来很有希望。它还具有常见问题解答部分支持。
HelpStack has both free and paid solutions. In free solution you will have to communicate via Email. For paid solution, you will have to go with ZenDesk, HappyFox or Desk.com. It supports both iOS and Android. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks promising. It also has a FAQ section support.
Edit : I just tried the free solution. It simply opens an email app, nothing else. It does have a FAQ section, but no chat support.