you have github(maybe by private account, because github is just amazing!) in your tag so I should suggest to just learn git(Command-line). It is the best in my opinion. One of the nice features of git is that it is distributed. I also bet if you search hard you could find plugins for both editors(like I did quickly):
As far as version control goes, Subversion is a popular choice, and easy to set up in my opinion. Looks like it can be integrated with Dreamweaver beginning with CS4, as well as VIM (although I don't have any direct experience with either of those plugins). Even without direct integration it's easy to use from the command line. I'm a big fan of RTFMing before digging into anything new, so the fact that the O'Reilly Subversion book is available as a free PDF on their website was a big plus for me.
For coordinating the move from development to production, my personal advice would be to automate as much as you possibly can - I've seen cases in which the migration is handled by a human with a checklist, and human error always seems to creep in eventually. If you're most comfortable with PHP, and you primarily access your servers via FTP, you could use PHP's FTP functions to automate moving the tested code from the development server to production.
For version control almost any modern open source version control software will do, For starters there is Subversion, mercurial, bazar, git. If you've never used one before I would recommend giving them all at least a quick look over to see what you like. My preference is git but the rest are all easy to use (ish). Most have companies that provide version control as a service (so you don't have to gaff with managing software yourself)such as github, launchpad, etc.
All have their benefits and downsides depending on your working style and project.
你的标签中有 github(也许是私人帐户,因为 github 太棒了!),所以我建议你学习 git(命令行)。我认为这是最好的。 git 的一大优点是它是分布式。我还敢打赌,如果您努力搜索,您可以找到两个编辑器的插件(就像我很快做的那样):
但我只会使用 cli,因为它的功能实在是太强大了。
you have github(maybe by private account, because github is just amazing!) in your tag so I should suggest to just learn git(Command-line). It is the best in my opinion. One of the nice features of git is that it is distributed. I also bet if you search hard you could find plugins for both editors(like I did quickly):
But I would just use cli instead because it's power is just amazing.
就版本控制而言,Subversion 是一个流行的选择,并且在我看来很容易设置。看起来它可以与 Dreamweaver 集成 从 CS4 开始,以及 VIM (尽管我不对这些插件没有任何直接经验)。即使没有直接集成,也可以轻松地从命令行使用。在深入研究任何新事物之前,我是 RTFMing 的忠实粉丝,因此 O'Reilly Subversion 书在他们的网站上以免费 PDF 形式提供,这对我来说是一个很大的优势。
为了协调从开发到生产的转变,我个人的建议是尽可能实现自动化 - 我见过这样的情况,其中迁移是由具有检查表的人员处理的,而人为错误似乎最终总是会悄悄出现。如果您最熟悉 PHP,并且主要通过 FTP 访问服务器,则可以使用 PHP 的 FTP 功能可自动将测试的代码从开发服务器移动到生产环境。
As far as version control goes, Subversion is a popular choice, and easy to set up in my opinion. Looks like it can be integrated with Dreamweaver beginning with CS4, as well as VIM (although I don't have any direct experience with either of those plugins). Even without direct integration it's easy to use from the command line. I'm a big fan of RTFMing before digging into anything new, so the fact that the O'Reilly Subversion book is available as a free PDF on their website was a big plus for me.
For coordinating the move from development to production, my personal advice would be to automate as much as you possibly can - I've seen cases in which the migration is handled by a human with a checklist, and human error always seems to creep in eventually. If you're most comfortable with PHP, and you primarily access your servers via FTP, you could use PHP's FTP functions to automate moving the tested code from the development server to production.
场景:您可以在生产和开发服务器上安装 subversion
场景:你不能在生产服务器上安装 subversion
Scenario : you can install subversion on production and developer server
Scenaria : you can't install subversion on production server
Good luck
对于初学者来说,有 Subversion、mercurial、bazar、git。如果您以前从未使用过其中一个,我建议您至少快速浏览一下,看看您喜欢什么。我最喜欢的是 git,但其余的都很容易使用(ish)。大多数公司都提供版本控制即服务(因此您不必自己管理软件),例如 github、launchpad 等。
For version control almost any modern open source version control software will do,
For starters there is Subversion, mercurial, bazar, git. If you've never used one before I would recommend giving them all at least a quick look over to see what you like. My preference is git but the rest are all easy to use (ish). Most have companies that provide version control as a service (so you don't have to gaff with managing software yourself)such as github, launchpad, etc.
All have their benefits and downsides depending on your working style and project.