我之前曾两次涉足遗传算法,这是一个 hello world 教程 和一个 tsp 求解器。我尝试在 haskell 中复制 hello world 教程, 看看两者的速度比较如何。 Haskell 的实现是 相当慢,但令我烦恼的是 C 版本收敛了很多 速度更快(大约 40 代),没有任何突变。哈斯克尔版本 AFAIK 有更好的配对功能(倾向于更好的一面) 人口)并在大约 60 代内收敛,但前提是存在 涉及突变。如果没有突变,它很快就会停止在局部最大值。
haskell版本有更好的mate功能,但需要突变 甚至收敛; C 版本没有突变,并且 mate 功能更差,但是 收敛得更快。
randomSt :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => State g a
randomSt = state random
randomRSt :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => (a, a) -> State g a
randomRSt = state . randomR
wrandomRSt :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> State g Int
wrandomRSt n =
let s = liftM2 (+) (randomRSt (0.0, 1.0)) (randomRSt (0.0, 1.0)) :: (RandomGen g) => State g Float
n' = fromIntegral n
in liftM (flip div 2 . floor . abs . subtract (n' / 2) . (n' *)) s
mateCopy :: (RandomGen g) => StringVector -> State g (StringVector)
mateCopy xs = V.replicateM population (step xs)
step :: RandomGen g => StringVector -> State g (Vector Char)
step xs =
let mom = liftM (xs !) (randomRSt (0,population `div` 2))
dad = liftM (xs !) (randomRSt (0,population `div` 2))
split = randomRSt (0, V.length target - 1)
in do
m <- mom
d <- dad
s <- split
return (V.take s m V.++ V.drop s d)
mate :: (RandomGen g) => StringVector -> State g (StringVector)
mate xs = V.replicateM population (step xs)
step :: RandomGen g => StringVector -> State g (Vector Char)
step xs =
let mom = liftM (xs !) (wrandomRSt population)
dad = liftM (xs !) (wrandomRSt population)
split = randomRSt (0, V.length target - 1)
in do
m <- mom
d <- dad
s <- split
return (V.take s m V.++ V.drop s d)
elite = population `div` 10
elitism :: (RandomGen g) => StringVector -> State g StringVector
elitism xs = let
a = V.take (elite) xs
children = (V.take (population - elite)) `fmap` mate xs
in do
b' <- children >>= mutate
let xs' = (a V.++ b')
return xs'
unit_t *mate(unit_t *population)
int i;
size_t half_population = POPULATION >> 1;
size_t orig_size = strlen(TARGET);
int mum, dad, chromosomes;
char *child;
char *rest;
unit_t *children = malloc(sizeof(unit_t) * POPULATION);
elitism(population, children);
for(i = ELITE; i < POPULATION; i++)
mum = rand() % half_population;
dad = rand() % half_population;
chromosomes = rand() % orig_size;
child = malloc(sizeof(char) * (orig_size+1));
rest = population[dad].text + chromosomes;
sprintf(child, "%.*s%s", chromosomes, population[mum].text, rest);
children[i].text = strdup(child);
children[i].dist = -1;
mutate(&children[i], orig_size);
population = children;
return population;
编辑:注意到C版本的父母来自同一半。编辑 mateCopy 以反映这一点
I've dabbled with genetic algorithms twice before, a hello world tutorial
and a tsp solver. I tried to replicate the hello world tutorial in haskell,
and see how the two compare speed wise. The haskell implementation is
considerably slower, but what irks me is that the C version converges a lot
faster (around 40 generations) without any mutation. The haskell version
has AFAIK a better mate function (leans to the better side of the
population) and converges in around 60 generations but only if there is
mutation involved. Without mutation it stops at a local maxima very soon.
The haskell version has a better mate function, but requires mutation to
even converge; The C version has no mutation and worse mate function but
converges faster.
randomSt :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => State g a
randomSt = state random
randomRSt :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => (a, a) -> State g a
randomRSt = state . randomR
wrandomRSt :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> State g Int
wrandomRSt n =
let s = liftM2 (+) (randomRSt (0.0, 1.0)) (randomRSt (0.0, 1.0)) :: (RandomGen g) => State g Float
n' = fromIntegral n
in liftM (flip div 2 . floor . abs . subtract (n' / 2) . (n' *)) s
mateCopy :: (RandomGen g) => StringVector -> State g (StringVector)
mateCopy xs = V.replicateM population (step xs)
step :: RandomGen g => StringVector -> State g (Vector Char)
step xs =
let mom = liftM (xs !) (randomRSt (0,population `div` 2))
dad = liftM (xs !) (randomRSt (0,population `div` 2))
split = randomRSt (0, V.length target - 1)
in do
m <- mom
d <- dad
s <- split
return (V.take s m V.++ V.drop s d)
mate :: (RandomGen g) => StringVector -> State g (StringVector)
mate xs = V.replicateM population (step xs)
step :: RandomGen g => StringVector -> State g (Vector Char)
step xs =
let mom = liftM (xs !) (wrandomRSt population)
dad = liftM (xs !) (wrandomRSt population)
split = randomRSt (0, V.length target - 1)
in do
m <- mom
d <- dad
s <- split
return (V.take s m V.++ V.drop s d)
elite = population `div` 10
elitism :: (RandomGen g) => StringVector -> State g StringVector
elitism xs = let
a = V.take (elite) xs
children = (V.take (population - elite)) `fmap` mate xs
in do
b' <- children >>= mutate
let xs' = (a V.++ b')
return xs'
unit_t *mate(unit_t *population)
int i;
size_t half_population = POPULATION >> 1;
size_t orig_size = strlen(TARGET);
int mum, dad, chromosomes;
char *child;
char *rest;
unit_t *children = malloc(sizeof(unit_t) * POPULATION);
elitism(population, children);
for(i = ELITE; i < POPULATION; i++)
mum = rand() % half_population;
dad = rand() % half_population;
chromosomes = rand() % orig_size;
child = malloc(sizeof(char) * (orig_size+1));
rest = population[dad].text + chromosomes;
sprintf(child, "%.*s%s", chromosomes, population[mum].text, rest);
children[i].text = strdup(child);
children[i].dist = -1;
mutate(&children[i], orig_size);
population = children;
return population;
edit: Noticed that the C-version takes the parents from the same half. Edited the mateCopy to reflect this
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你的 Haskell 版本可能收敛得太快了。你的适应度函数导致群体收敛的速度是“探索”和“利用”之间的权衡。当人群在“探索”时,你可以认为它是在健身景观中快速移动寻找山丘。 “利用”包括攀登已经发现的一座小山。
如果你的适应度函数是强选择性的(我认为这就是你所说的“更好”的意思),那么它就是以牺牲探索为代价的。您在 Haskell 中编写的解决方案可能过早地消除了其多样性 - 并且如果没有突变,它就无法创建更多的多样性。
As I pointed out in my comment, your population is converged when it is homogeneous, not when you're happy with the best individual.
Your Haskell version is probably converging too fast. The speed at which your fitness function causes your population to converge is a trade-off between "exploring" and "exploiting". When the population is "exploring", you can think of it as moving rapidly around the fitness landscape looking for hills. "Exploiting" consists of climbing a hill that it's already found.
If your fitness function is strongly selective (which I assume is what you mean by "better"), then it is exploiting at the expense of exploring. The solution you coded in Haskell is probably wiping out its diversity too early - and with no mutation it can't create any more.
如果我们谈论的是 GA,那么使用的语言是无关紧要的,如果我们谈论的是性能并且实现具有可比性(即您正在使用两种语言或其他语言中的数组),那么它就变得相关了。
What do you mean by better/worse mate function?
The only objective facts people can work with are at the moment that the one version has no mutation and the other version has it.
The language used is irrelevant if we are talking about GAs, it becomes relevant if we are talking about performance and the implementation is comparable (i.e. you're using arrays in both languages or whatever).