什么是最快的、MPI 支持的遗传算法 c++图书馆
什么是最活跃的遗传编程库?< /a>
Java 库用于遗传算法?
0) 学术免费
1) 快
3) 支持用户定义的基因组和算子
6) C++ (可选。我对java或其他语言持开放态度)
7) 支持多目标优化
I want to use genetic algorithm to solve my feature selection + structure learning problem. Since we have huge amount of data with very large searching space, plus we need to do a lot of simulations, so speed is very important. I found several libraries as in
What is the most active genetic programming library?
Which Java library/libraries for Genetic Algorithms?
But which one is the fastest one?
Here are some features I want (sorted by priority):
0) free for academic
1) fast
2) support MPI (we have MVAPICH2, MPICH2, openMPI in our cluster)
3) support user defined genomes and operators
4) comprehensive (support elitism, niche, migration, etc.)
5) build-in tree/graph genome and operator (optional. If it doesn't, I will write my own.)
6) C++ (Optional. I am open minded to java or other languages)
7) support multiobjective optimization
Any suggestions about which one best fit these requirements? many thanks.
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最快的速度取决于您的用例和实施情况。 JGap(java,开源)是一个既定的名称。
基本上,您正在寻找基准?大多数(如果不是全部)已发布的微基准都严重损坏或丢失那些大牌人物。宏观基准通常不太容易被破坏。我与 Drools Planner 竞争(java,开源,没有遗传算法,只有更新的元数据) -一个有趣的启发式方法,例如
)宏观基准测试,其中几个竞争对手使用了遗传算法。所以也许他们的一些决赛论文很有趣。Your mileage may vary.
The fastest one depends on your use case and your implementation. JGap (java, open source) is an established name.
So basically, you're looking for benchmarks? Most (if not all) published micro-benchmarks are seriously broken or missing the big names. Macro-benchmarks are usually less broken. I competed with Drools Planner (java, open source, no genetic algorithms, only more recent meta-heuristics such as
simulated annealing
) in an interesting macro-benchmark where a couple of the competitors used genetic algorithms. So maybe some of their finalist papers are interesting.