mootools.js 对于 joomla 中的 jquery lightbox 重要吗
我的问题是 joomla1.5 包的 mootools.js 文件对于用于缩放效果的 jquery lightbox 文件很重要,因为该效果在我的网站中不起作用... 请尽快回复..
My question is that Is mootools.js file of joomla1.5 package, important for jquery lightbox file for zooming effetc , because that effect is not working in my site...
Please do reply as soon as possible..
jquery 和 mootools 是两个 JavaScript 框架,您可以在这里查看比较。关于你的问题,因为它们是不同的js框架,所以如果不采取适当的步骤,它们可能会相互冲突。您最好给我们一个链接,这样我们会更容易为您提供解决方案。
jquery and mootools are two javascript framework you can check comparison here Regarding your question , as they are different js framework so they can be conflict with each other if proper steps is not taken. You better give us a link it will be easier for us to give you a solution.