我昨天发布了有关如何与另一个类进行通信的信息,我想删除它的一个实例,今天我让调度程序开始工作。然而,我想我已经把自己逼到了墙角。即使调度程序正在工作,IA:感觉它在实际删除对象的过程中运行了太多函数,而 B:仍然无法设法让它实际删除。我没有接受过任何正式的计算机科学培训,所以这是一种我的思绪在兜圈子的情况,我无法“看到”我做错了什么。我想如果我在这里发布我的课程,至少人们可以嘲笑我的业余代码,如果我幸运的话,某个好心人会指出我做错了什么。所以这里是:
//Background class. Singleton? Sets up/maintains the application.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class Background extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var slate:MovieClip;
private var slateBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(100,-260,0,280);
private var _toolbox:MovieClip;
private var _elementArray:Array = new Array();
public function Background() {
//attach movieclips to stage
slate = new mc_slate();
slate.x = 100;
slate.y = 20;
_toolbox = new Toolbox();
_toolbox.x = 750;
_toolbox.y = 20;
//set draggables
//slate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragSlate);
//slate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, releaseSlate);
slate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropNewElement);
private function dragSlate(event:MouseEvent) {
slate.startDrag(false, slateBounds);
private function releaseSlate(event:MouseEvent) {
private function dropNewElement(event:MouseEvent) {
var _elementType:String = _toolbox.currentTool;
var _x:Number = event.target.x;
var _y:Number = event.target.y;
var _newElement:MovieClip;
var _latestIndex:Number;
//case switch to choose element based on _elementType
//add new element to stage
_newElement = new PageElement(_elementType, event.localX, event.localY);
_latestIndex = _elementArray.push(_newElement);
_newElement.addEventListener("closeWindow", deleteElement);
private function deleteElement(event:Event) {
trace("trying to remove element.");
//Toolbox class.
pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class Toolbox extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var _toolboxback:MovieClip;
private var _tool01:MovieClip;
private var _tool02:MovieClip;
private var _tool03:MovieClip;
private var _tool04:MovieClip;
private var _tool05:MovieClip;
private var _currentTool:String = 'none';
public function Toolbox() {
_toolboxback = new ToolboxBack();
_toolboxback.x = 0;
_toolboxback.y = 0;
_toolboxback.alpha = .5;
_tool01 = new TextTool();
_tool01.x = 10;
_tool01.y = 10;
//_tool01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragTool);
_tool01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, switchTool);
_tool02 = new ImageTool();
_tool02.x = 10;
_tool02.y = 54;
_tool02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, switchTool);
private function dragTool(event:MouseEvent) {
private function releaseTool(event:MouseEvent) {
private function switchTool(event:MouseEvent) {
_currentTool = event.target.toolname;
public function get currentTool():String{
return _currentTool;
//Tool class.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class Tool extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var _toolname:String;
public function Tool(toolname) {
_toolname = toolname;
public function get toolname():String{
return _toolname;
PageElement。 as:
//Page element class.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class PageElement extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var _elementname:String;
private var _elementback:MovieClip;
private var _elementmenu:MovieClip;
private var _title:TextField;
private var _formatter:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
public function PageElement(elementname, x, y) {
_elementname = elementname;
_elementback = new ElementBack();
_elementback.x = x;
_elementback.y = y;
_elementback.alpha = .5;
_elementback.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dontBubble);
_elementback.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dontBubble);
_elementmenu = new ElementMenu();
_elementmenu.x = x + _elementback.width - 5;
_elementmenu.y = y - 5;
_elementmenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showElementMenu);
_elementmenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, retractElementMenu);
_elementmenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragElement);
_elementmenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, releaseElement);
_formatter.font = "Helvetica";
_formatter.size = 10;
_title = new TextField();
_title.text = elementname;
_title.x = x;
_title.y = y;
_title.textColor = 0xffffff;
public function get elementname():String{
return _elementname;
public function set elementTitle(newTitle) {
public function showElementMenu(event:MouseEvent) {
public function retractElementMenu(event:MouseEvent) {
public function hideElementMenu() {
_elementmenu.alpha = 0;
private function dragElement(event:MouseEvent) {
private function releaseElement(event:MouseEvent) {
private function dontBubble(event:MouseEvent) {
//Element menu back class.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class DeleteBack extends flash.display.MovieClip {
public function DeleteBack() {
public function closeElement(event:MouseEvent) {
dispatchEvent(new Event("closeWindow", true));
trace("event dispatched.");
//Element menu class.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
public class ElementMenu extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var _elementmenuback:MovieClip;
private var _deletebutton:MovieClip;
public function ElementMenu() {
_elementmenuback = new ElementMenuBack();
_elementmenuback.x = 0;
_elementmenuback.y = 0;
_elementmenuback.width = 100;
_elementmenuback.height = 5;
_elementmenuback.alpha = .5;
_deletebutton = new DeleteBack();
_deletebutton.x = -5;
_deletebutton.y = 10;
_deletebutton.width = 10;
_deletebutton.height = 10;
_deletebutton.alpha = .2;
_deletebutton.visible = false;
_deletebutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, closeElement);
public function expandMenu() {
Tweener.addTween(_elementmenuback, {height:30, time:.2, transition:"easeOutBack"});
_deletebutton.visible = true;
public function retractMenu() {
Tweener.addTween(_elementmenuback, {height:5, time:.1, transition:"easeInBack"});
_deletebutton.visible = false;
public function closeElement(event:MouseEvent) {
//check that the user really wants to close the element before sending the destroy signal
//perform any closing animations
这就是有意义的类。其他任何东西要么是一个空类,只是为了帮助 ActionScript 访问库对象,要么是其他东西的简单扩展。
PS。为了回应 Daniel 的评论,代码执行的步骤如下:
- Background 类将所有内容放在舞台上并创建工具箱。
- 工具箱创建工具,就像 Photoshop 的工具一样。您单击它们以选择要添加到舞台的元素,然后单击“板岩”内部以将该对象的新实例拖放到其顶部。后台创建实例并将其保存在运行时创建的所有实例的数组中。
- 新元素创建自己的下拉菜单,这是元素的可拖动部分,并包含删除按钮。该菜单在删除按钮上放置了一个事件监听器。
- 单击删除按钮时,其父类放置在其上的 eventListener 会调用删除按钮类本身内部的事件调度程序。
- 这个分派的事件由后台类捕获(我认为删除该元素的最佳类与创建该元素的类是同一个类,对吧?)并触发实际的代码来删除该元素。
- 这段代码“deleteElement”是我陷入困境的地方。我将所有实例都放在一个数组中,但是该事件已经经历了如此多的中间类(MouseEvent),因此,我怀疑 MouseEvent 目标已经半途而废了。因此,知道要删除哪个元素的唯一方法是找到其数组索引。我不知道这会如何运作。有什么想法吗?
I posted yesterday about how to communicate to one class from another that I wanted to delete an instance of it, and I got the dispatcher working today. However, I think I've painted myself into a corner. Even though the dispatcher is working, I A:feel like it's running through too many functions on the way to actually deleting the object, and B: still can't manage to get it to actually delete. I don't have any formal CS training, so it's one of those situations where my mind is going in circles and I can't "see" what I'm doing wrong. I figure if I post my classes here, at the very least people can have a chuckle at my amateur code, and if I'm lucky, some kind soul will point out what I'm doing wrong. So here goes:
//Background class. Singleton? Sets up/maintains the application.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class Background extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var slate:MovieClip;
private var slateBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(100,-260,0,280);
private var _toolbox:MovieClip;
private var _elementArray:Array = new Array();
public function Background() {
//attach movieclips to stage
slate = new mc_slate();
slate.x = 100;
slate.y = 20;
_toolbox = new Toolbox();
_toolbox.x = 750;
_toolbox.y = 20;
//set draggables
//slate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragSlate);
//slate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, releaseSlate);
slate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropNewElement);
private function dragSlate(event:MouseEvent) {
slate.startDrag(false, slateBounds);
private function releaseSlate(event:MouseEvent) {
private function dropNewElement(event:MouseEvent) {
var _elementType:String = _toolbox.currentTool;
var _x:Number = event.target.x;
var _y:Number = event.target.y;
var _newElement:MovieClip;
var _latestIndex:Number;
//case switch to choose element based on _elementType
//add new element to stage
_newElement = new PageElement(_elementType, event.localX, event.localY);
_latestIndex = _elementArray.push(_newElement);
_newElement.addEventListener("closeWindow", deleteElement);
private function deleteElement(event:Event) {
trace("trying to remove element.");
//Toolbox class.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class Toolbox extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var _toolboxback:MovieClip;
private var _tool01:MovieClip;
private var _tool02:MovieClip;
private var _tool03:MovieClip;
private var _tool04:MovieClip;
private var _tool05:MovieClip;
private var _currentTool:String = 'none';
public function Toolbox() {
_toolboxback = new ToolboxBack();
_toolboxback.x = 0;
_toolboxback.y = 0;
_toolboxback.alpha = .5;
_tool01 = new TextTool();
_tool01.x = 10;
_tool01.y = 10;
//_tool01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragTool);
_tool01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, switchTool);
_tool02 = new ImageTool();
_tool02.x = 10;
_tool02.y = 54;
_tool02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, switchTool);
private function dragTool(event:MouseEvent) {
private function releaseTool(event:MouseEvent) {
private function switchTool(event:MouseEvent) {
_currentTool = event.target.toolname;
public function get currentTool():String{
return _currentTool;
Tool.as (any class with "Tool" at the end of it simply extends this class and adds a name)
//Tool class.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class Tool extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var _toolname:String;
public function Tool(toolname) {
_toolname = toolname;
public function get toolname():String{
return _toolname;
//Page element class.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class PageElement extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var _elementname:String;
private var _elementback:MovieClip;
private var _elementmenu:MovieClip;
private var _title:TextField;
private var _formatter:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
public function PageElement(elementname, x, y) {
_elementname = elementname;
_elementback = new ElementBack();
_elementback.x = x;
_elementback.y = y;
_elementback.alpha = .5;
_elementback.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dontBubble);
_elementback.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dontBubble);
_elementmenu = new ElementMenu();
_elementmenu.x = x + _elementback.width - 5;
_elementmenu.y = y - 5;
_elementmenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showElementMenu);
_elementmenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, retractElementMenu);
_elementmenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragElement);
_elementmenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, releaseElement);
_formatter.font = "Helvetica";
_formatter.size = 10;
_title = new TextField();
_title.text = elementname;
_title.x = x;
_title.y = y;
_title.textColor = 0xffffff;
public function get elementname():String{
return _elementname;
public function set elementTitle(newTitle) {
public function showElementMenu(event:MouseEvent) {
public function retractElementMenu(event:MouseEvent) {
public function hideElementMenu() {
_elementmenu.alpha = 0;
private function dragElement(event:MouseEvent) {
private function releaseElement(event:MouseEvent) {
private function dontBubble(event:MouseEvent) {
//Element menu back class.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class DeleteBack extends flash.display.MovieClip {
public function DeleteBack() {
public function closeElement(event:MouseEvent) {
dispatchEvent(new Event("closeWindow", true));
trace("event dispatched.");
//Element menu class.
package pc_mockup {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
public class ElementMenu extends flash.display.MovieClip {
private var _elementmenuback:MovieClip;
private var _deletebutton:MovieClip;
public function ElementMenu() {
_elementmenuback = new ElementMenuBack();
_elementmenuback.x = 0;
_elementmenuback.y = 0;
_elementmenuback.width = 100;
_elementmenuback.height = 5;
_elementmenuback.alpha = .5;
_deletebutton = new DeleteBack();
_deletebutton.x = -5;
_deletebutton.y = 10;
_deletebutton.width = 10;
_deletebutton.height = 10;
_deletebutton.alpha = .2;
_deletebutton.visible = false;
_deletebutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, closeElement);
public function expandMenu() {
Tweener.addTween(_elementmenuback, {height:30, time:.2, transition:"easeOutBack"});
_deletebutton.visible = true;
public function retractMenu() {
Tweener.addTween(_elementmenuback, {height:5, time:.1, transition:"easeInBack"});
_deletebutton.visible = false;
public function closeElement(event:MouseEvent) {
//check that the user really wants to close the element before sending the destroy signal
//perform any closing animations
That's it for the meaningful classes. Anything else is either an empty class that's only in there to help make the library object accessible to ActionScript, or a trivial extension of something else.
The code puts a new element onto the stage, gives it a cool little dropdown menu that makes it draggable and has a delete button on it, and should link that button to a function that closes the element.
I've got everything but the closing.
General code criticism also very welcome. Like I said, I have no training, I've been figuring this stuff out for myself, and feedback of any kind from people who know what they're doing is valuable.
PS. In response to Daniel's comment, here are the steps the code takes:
- The Background class puts everything on the stage and creates the toolbox.
- The toolbox creates the tools, which are like Photoshop's tools. You click on them to select an element you want to add to the stage, then you click inside the "slate" to drop a new instance of that object on top of it. The background creates the instance and saves it in an array of all instances created at runtime.
- The new element makes its own dropdown menu, which is the draggable portion of the element and holds the delete button. This menu places an eventListener on the delete button.
- When the delete button is clicked, the eventListener placed on it by its parent class calls an event dispatcher inside the delete button class itself.
- This dispatched event is caught by the background class (I figured the best class to remove the element is the same class that made it, right?) and triggers the actual code to remove the element.
- This code, "deleteElement," is where I'm stuck. I have all the instances in an array, but the event has gone through so many intermediary classes, the MouseEvent, and thus, I suspect, the MouseEvent target, has fallen by the wayside. So the only way to know which element to delete is to find its array index. I have no idea how this would work. Any ideas?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
,它应该为您提供 PageElement(以前称为 _newElement),我也不知道为什么您要从中删除一个子元素,即 _elementArra[0] -这确实是另一个 PageElement,如果您只有一个,则很可能是它本身。
,但问题是你没有传递 MouseEvent 而是传递一个空白事件
dispatchEvent(new Event("closeWindow", true));
在DeleteBack.as中,所以这不会超过目标的任何东西,你都无法得到它。 (目标是只读的,所以
new Event(etc)
总是有一个空目标。所以本质上这是一个失败的原因。你可以在你的单例中设置一个 onject 并将 mc 传递给被删除,然后deleteElement只会抓取该对象另一个选择是查看signals class 可以让你做一些更好/更高效的事件处理。
最后(有点,还有更多,但现在)我想说考虑使用 CASAlib,特别是使用 CasaMovieClip 而不是 MovieClip用于扩展,因为它会更好地删除您的电影剪辑,如果您有很多事件侦听器并且您没有正确清除它们,那么即使您删除它们,它们最终也会保留在内存中
。 RobotLegs 也是一个好主意,它可以让您进入更好的实践。
使用 Flex 编译器进行 FlashDevelop。 FlashDevelop 仅适用于 PC,因此如果您使用的是 Mac,您可能需要考虑其他选项,例如 Flex。 FlashDevelop 和 Flex 编译器(仅编译器)都是免费的,因此您不会出错,而且一旦您开始使用它,您就不会想再回到 Flash 中进行编码 - 保证!
来使用 flash 调试器来编译并运行。不过,您需要提前设置断点。FlashDevelop 有一个调试器,其工作方式与 Flash 和 Flex 调试器类似,我经常使用它。
但我最喜欢的调试工具必须是 de monster debugger
let's do this a bit at a time...
in background.aswhy are you using
?you are passing an
object to the function, but looks like you're using a different event's target, which I don't know where it's coming from or why it's not giving you an error.it should just be
, which should give you the PageElement(formerly known as _newElement)what I don't know also is why you are removing a child from it which is _elementArra[0] - which really is another PageElement and likely itself if you only have one.
so it looks to me that there are a bunch of things that should have thrown errors. What are you using to compile your code? What about debugger? are you using any?
If you look at your previous question, I added some code there about how to get the parent. So I adjusted it a bit
however the problem is that you're not passing a MouseEvent but a blank event
dispatchEvent(new Event("closeWindow", true));
in DeleteBack.asso this will not pass anything under target, and you can't get it. (target is read only, so
new Event(etc)
will always have a null target. So essentially that's a bit of a lost cause.you could set an onject in your singleton and pass which mc is to be deleted, and then the deleteElement would just grab that object. The other option is to look into the signals class which will let you do some better/more efficient event handling.
finally (sort of, there's more but for now) I'd say look into using CASAlib, in particular, use CasaMovieClip instead of MovieClip for extending, as it will delete your movie clips better. If you have a lot of event listeners and you don't clear them properly, they'll end up staying in memory even after you delete them.
of course looking into other frameworks like RobotLegs is a good idea too, it gets you into better practices.
Edit ...
and many more
I think the important thing is to not get stuck on a framework (though I mention the word often). And the best framework is the framework that is best for you, and to me that means offering a good communication backbone for the app and staying out of the way.
My setup for writing code is this:
FlashDevelop with the Flex Compiler. FlashDevelop is for PC only so if you're on Mac you might want to consider other options like flex. FlashDevelop and the Flex compiler(the compiler only) are both free so you can't go wrong, and once you start using it you won't want to go back to coding in Flash - guaranteed!!
Trace is the simplest form of debugging, and it can be quite difficult to understand the problem.
You can use the flash debugger by pressing
to compile and run. You will need to set the break points ahead though.FlashDevelop has a debugger that works just like the Flash and Flex debuggers and I use it quite often.
But my favorite debug tool has to be de monster debugger
it takes a bit to more to implement, and you need to add some code, but it found issues for me that I couldn't get to using the default debugger only. Definitely worth a look.