一组高效的 3D 相交算法
任何人都知道一个来源、网站,我可以在其中获得 3D 相交算法的一些良好实现,例如
- 球体与球体球体
- /椭球体
- 球体/长方体
- 椭球体/椭球体
- 椭球体/长方体
- 长方体/长方体
- 球体/射线椭球体/
- 射线
- 长方体/射线
- 三角形/的 相交射线
- 四边形/射线
- 三角形/三角形
- 四边形/四边形
Anyone knows a source, website where I can get some good implementations of 3D intersection algorithms, like
- intersection of sphere and sphere
- sphere/ellipsoid
- sphere/cuboid
- ellipsoid/ellipsoid
- ellipsoid/cuboid
- cuboid/cuboid
- sphere/ray
- ellipsoid/ray
- cuboid/ray
- triangle/ray
- quad/ray
- triangle/triangle
- quad/quad
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

It's a huge matrix of algorithms that calculate intersections between various types of objects. Excellent resource.
Not really a website, but this book Real-Time Collision Detection is well worth it for what you are looking for.
Graphics Gems 是寻找此类内容的好地方。
Graphics Gems is a good place to look for this type of thing.
您可能想将 Eberly 的游戏引擎设计放在您的书架上。它对您列出的每个交叉点都有详细的算法和讨论。
You might want to put Eberly's Game Engine Design on your bookshelf. It has detailed algorithms and discussion for each of the intersections you've listed.
如果您正在进行光线追踪,那么在 ompf.org 上询问并查看 RTNews 档案可能会有所帮助。无论如何,这取决于您要使用它们的用途。
If you're doing raytracing, then asking at ompf.org and looking through the RTNews archives might help. In any case, it depends on what you're going to use these for.
POVRay 光线追踪器的源代码有一些可能有用的实现。
The source code for the POVRay ray tracer has some implementations that may be of use.