scribefire 或最深发件人如何规避同源策略限制?
这是参考 Create a Wordpress post with xmlrpc and 中提出的问题jQuery 。我正在尝试做类似的事情,但我仍然受到 SOP 限制。
如果在 Firefox 中实施同源策略,像 scribefire 或 Deepest Sender 这样的扩展如何管理与其他域中的博客进行通信?请为我澄清这一点,因为这对我的项目最有帮助。
This is in reference to the question asked at Create a Wordpress post with xmlrpc and jQuery . I'm trying to do something similar and I'm stuck with the SOP restriction.
If the same origin policy is implemented in firefox, how to extensions like scribefire or deepest sender manage to communicate with blogs in other domains? Please clarify this for me as it would be most helpful for my project.
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Firefox 扩展以“chrome”(进程)权限运行,并且根本不受同源策略的约束。只有网页内容是。
如果您只想使用“内容”权限(即从常规网站而不是扩展程序)执行跨域访问,则需要实现特殊的 访问控制。当然,您也可以只对自己的站点实施访问控制。
Firefox extensions run with "chrome" (process) privileges, and are not bound to the same origin policy at all. Only web content is.
If you want to perform cross domain access with only "content" privileges, i.e. from a regular website, not an extension, you need to implement special access controls. Or course, you can only implement the access controls for your own sites.