The best way to profit from a one-person open source project is to use it as a portfolio item to get a good job. Making money from it any other way would probably take more effort than it's worth. Your type of project, in particular, would be very difficult to differentiate from the abundance of App-Inventor-type frameworks.
Generally speaking, the most profitable approach for Open Source companies to make money is to sell support licensing.
Given as your product is a framework, you might want to re-evaluate if you want to sell it, or if you want to release it as Open Source, as in your case I'm guessing your customers wouldn't generally be interested in support contracts.
从一个人的开源项目中获利的最佳方法是将其用作投资组合项目以获得一份好工作。以任何其他方式从中赚钱可能会付出比其价值更多的努力。特别是,您的项目类型很难与大量的 App-Inventor 类型框架区分开来。
The best way to profit from a one-person open source project is to use it as a portfolio item to get a good job. Making money from it any other way would probably take more effort than it's worth. Your type of project, in particular, would be very difficult to differentiate from the abundance of App-Inventor-type frameworks.
Generally speaking, the most profitable approach for Open Source companies to make money is to sell support licensing.
Given as your product is a framework, you might want to re-evaluate if you want to sell it, or if you want to release it as Open Source, as in your case I'm guessing your customers wouldn't generally be interested in support contracts.