android 缺少 R 文件
我使用的是 Eclipse Helios,但由于性能问题,我更改为 Eclipse Galileo 并安装了 ADT 插件,并将我的 sdk 文件夹添加到 Elcipse Preferences 中。现在 从我的所有项目中消失了。我该如何解决这个问题,我执行了 Project/Clean 但不会生成文件,我的 xml 中没有任何问题,并且我的任何项目中都没有 out.xml 。
i was using Eclipse Helios but due to performance issues i changed to Eclipse Galileo and installed the ADT plugging, and added my sdk folder to Elcipse Preferences. Now disappeared from all of my projects. How can i fix this, i did Project/Clean but that won't generate the files, there's nothing wrong in my xml and there's no out.xml in any of my projects.
Thanks in advance
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根据我的经验,xml 中某处有错误。 Eclipse 无疑会告诉您在哪里。修复后,出现错误 R。
In my experience there is a mistake in the xml somewhere. Eclipse will no doubt tell you where. After I fix the error R appears.
有时,当您清理项目时,R 文件会消失,我也遇到了同样的问题。
-确保所有“导入 android.R”都被删除
- 再次清理(如果这不能解决问题,请重新启动 Eclipse 并重试)
- 将指向 R 文件的指针放在注释 fe // setContentView(R.layout.main); 中
-如果所有指向 R 文件的指针都在注释中,您应该只在文件中收到警告,并希望在其他地方收到错误。
- 修复错误,然后取消注释指针。有时 eclipse 会忽略一些错误并删除 R 文件,然后什么也不说,这很烦人,但这会修复它。 :)
Sometimes when you clean your project the R file disappears, I had the same issue.
The way I fixed it was:
-Make sure all the "import android.R" was removed
-Clean again (if this doesn't fix it, restart eclipse and try again)
-Put the pointers to R file in comment f.e. // setContentView(R.layout.main);
-If all the pointers to R file are in comment, you should get only warnings in the file, and hopefully errors somewhere else.
-Fix the errors and then uncomment the pointers. Sometimes eclipse ignores some errors and drops the R file and then says nothing about it, which is annoying, but this will fix it. :)
-If this still doesn't work, you can try create a new project and copy paste your code in it.
我今天遇到了同样的问题并解决了。在包含外部/示例文件时经常发生这种情况的原因是,这些示例经常引用应用程序中的布局,但无权访问该包,因此无法看到该包中的 文件。为了清楚起见,这是 文件的开头:
注意包名称是应用程序的包名称。未包含在该包中的 .java 文件(即您刚刚放入的示例代码)将需要显式引用该包文件,如下所示:
I had this same issue today and figured it out. The reason this happens so often when including external/example files is because often times these examples reference layouts in your application, but do not have access to the package and therefore cannot see the file in that package. to make things clear, here's the beginning of the file:
notice the package name is whatever the package name of your application is. .java files that are not included in this package (ie, your example code you just dropped in) will need to explicitly reference that package file like this:
the last line is the one to pay attention to. after importing the resources explicitly, the resources will be available in your example code.
在 eclipse 中创建了新项目,然后我将示例文件导入其中,但仍然出现相同的错误。您可能想尝试以下操作:
在 Eclipse 中 ->右键单击项目 -> Android 工具 -> 在 Eclipse 中修复项目
created new project in eclipse, then I imported the sample files into it, yet still same error. You might want to try the following:
In Eclipse -> Right Click on Project -> Android Tools -> Fix Project
made sure that all resources are lowercase.
当我遇到这种情况时,结果发现这是因为我用大写字母命名了 .xml 文件。值得检查。
Try unclicking and re-clicking build project automatically in the project dropdown, closing the program each time. There have been know bugs about this for a while but there's not always a set fix.
When it once happened to me it turned out it was because i'd named an .xml file with a capital letter. Worth checking.
我在从 Eclipse/Helios 升级到 Eclipse/Juno 时遇到了这个问题。
我设置了 IDE,然后导入了现有(工作)项目。如果我然后在模拟器中运行它,它会运行,但是是原始版本,尽管 java 代码是最新版本的。
然后,我进行了清理(如许多其他帖子中所述)和(重新)构建,但由于缺少 文件,最终出现了许多错误。
问题原来是布局 xml 文件中的一些“错误”未被 Eclipse/Helios 识别。具体来说,就我而言,Juno 反对一些layout_width='match-parent'(和高度)设置。我尝试直接在 xml 文件中更改这些内容,但 Juno 没有它,并且仍然将其报告为“匹配父项”错误(尽管它显然已被更改)。
I had this problem when upgrading from Eclipse/Helios to Eclipse/Juno.
I set up the IDE and then imported an existing (working) project. If I then ran it in the emulator it ran but in its original version although the java code was for the latest version.
I then did a Clean (as explained in many other posts) and a (re) build but then ended up with host of errors due toSmissing file.
The problem turned out to be some 'errors' in the layout xml files which had not been recognised by Eclipse/Helios. Specifically, in my case, there were some layout_width='match-parent' (and height) settings which Juno objected to. I tried changing those directly in the xml files but Juno wasn't having it and still reported it as a 'match-parent' error (although it had clearly been changed).
The only thing to do was to go to the graphical layout, right-click to get Properties and then change the Width and Height properties there. Also, as they were already showing as 'fill-parent', I had to first change them to 'wrap-content' and then change them back to 'fill-parent'.
Once I'd done that for all instances of 'match-parent' I could then do a build and run the latest version in the emulator.
res 中有错误。一旦我在布局和菜单中有相同的 xml 文件,生成失败,没有生成。
There are mistakes in res. Once I have the same xml files in layout and menu, generate failed, no generated.
本地化正确的 R. 包导入,应该在您的包中。
导入 com.yourdomain.test.R;
Localize the correct R. package import, should be in your packages.
import com.yourdomain.test.R;
这就是 ADT Android 项目与普通 Java 项目有点不同的地方。 Android 项目需要一个不断更新的持久 文件。除此之外, 文件具有应用程序中提供的所有资源 ID,并保持界面的一致性。
因此,首先确保为您的 Android 项目生成 文件。
修复界面文件(尝试使用单个按钮或其他东西使其变得非常简单),并且 文件将由以下方式生成自动ADT。此时,您应该开始注意到主程序/活动中的 R.layout.XXXX not found 类型错误。这是一件好事,因为现在您可以创建/重命名正确的布局项并修复您的项目。
This is where ADT Android project is a bit different from a normal Java project. An android project requires a constantly updated persistent file. Among other things, the file has all the resources IDs provided in your App and maintains interface's consistency.
So first make sure file is being generated for your android project.
Fix the interface file/s (try making it very simple with a single button or something) and file will be generated by ADT automatically. At this point you should start noticing R.layout.XXXX not found type errors in your main program/activities. Which is a good thing, because now you can create/rename correct layout items and fix your project.
Just my 2 cents....
同样的事情也发生在我身上,纠正了检查 res xml 文件中的任何错误,并将目标 1.5 更改为 2.2 android(就我而言)
same happened to me, corrected checking any errors in res xml files, and changing target 1.5 to 2.2 android (on my case)
this usually happens to me when importing external code or online source code from examples or other developers.
发生这种情况的实际原因是我在首选项中取消选中 Android 的更新选项,因为它无法与以前版本的 Eclipse 一起使用。现在,尽管 Eclipse 似乎运行良好,但当我 PROJECT->CLEAN 项目时, 丢失了。
尝试重新勾选 Android 更新选项(窗口 -> 首选项 -> 安装/更新)。
这完全解决了我的问题,我不必再麻烦地扫描我的许多 xml 文件或图像资源的每一行。
Hi I had this happen to me this weekend.
The actual reason this had happened was that I had unchecked the update option for Android in the preferences as it wasn't working with the previous version of Eclipse. Now although the eclipse was seeming to run fine, when I PROJECT->CLEAN the project the was missing.
Try re-ticking the android update option (WINDOW -> PREFERENCES -> INSTALL/UPDATE).
This completely solved my issue and I did not have to both with any hassle of scanning each line of my many xml files or my image resources.
Hope this helps someone :)
结果我的源代码控制插入了一个Added>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>我的 mainifest 文件的部分。
I just Encountered the same problem.
Turned out my Source control had inserted an Addedd>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section to my mainifest file.
All I had to do was fix the manifest file and then all the errors disappeared.
每次资源更新后都会构建 R 文件。
我的错误是文件名不正确。其中一个图像资源的名称中包含大写字母,这导致构建无法创建 R 文件。更改名称很简单。
This happened to me while adding some new resources to my project.
The R file is build after every resource update.
The error in my case was incorrect file name. One of the image resources had a capital case letter in its name and that prevented the build from creating the R file. Changing the name simply worked.
I would suggest that when you add too many resources at a time, just make sure of the naming conventions for them. Its easy to miss such things.
Resource conventions:
我有类似的问题。那是因为我将可绘制文件 picture.jpg 保存为 picture.png,一旦我将名称更改为以前的名称,它就开始工作。希望这对将来的人有帮助
I had the similar problem. That was because I saved a drawable file picture.jpg as picture.png, as soon as I changed the name to previous one it started working. hope this would help someone in future