学习如何编写延迟关键的快速 C++/Java/C# 代码的最佳方法是什么?
Could anyone give me some pointers as to the best way in which to learn how to do very low latency programming? I have many programming books but I've never seen one which focused (or helped) on writing extremely fast code. Or are books not the best way forward?
Some advice from an expert would be really appreciated!
EDIT: I think I'm referring more to CPU/Memory bound.
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超低延迟编程很难。比人们刚开始走上这条路时想象的要困难得多。您可以使用一些技术和“技巧”。例如 IO 完成端口、多核利用率、高度优化的同步技术、共享内存。这个清单永远持续下去。 (编辑)它并不像“代码配置文件重构重复”那么简单,因为您可以编写健壮且快速的优秀代码,但永远不会是真正的超低延迟代码。
[C++ programmer]:
Ultra-low-latency programming is hard. Much harder than people suspect when they first start down the path. There are some techniques and "tricks" you can employ. Like IO Completion ports, multi core utilization, highly optimized synchronization techniques, shared memory. The list goes on forever. (edit) It's not as simple as "code-profile-refactor-repeat" because you can write excellent code that is robust and fast, but will never be truly ultra-low latency code.
Unfortunately there is no one single resource I know of that will show you how it's done. Programmers specializing in (and good at) ultra low-latency code are among the best in the business and the most experienced. And with good reason. Because if there is a silver bullet solution to becoming a good low-latency programmer, it is simply this: you have to know a lot about everything. And that knowledge is not easy to come by. It takes years (decades?) of experience and constant study.
As far as the study itself is concerned, here's a few books I found useful or especially insightful for one reason or another:
我的建议是了解 C++/Java/C# 的工作原理,并大致了解它如何转换为机器级指令。有些手术比其他手术更昂贵。高级语言中的一小段代码片段会翻译成一大堆机器指令(通常比您想象的要多)。
此外,请务必学习各种数据结构、它们的优点以及它们在各种情况下的性能特征 。问题大小。为问题选择正确的数据结构可以极大地提高执行速度。
My advice would be to learn how C++/Java/C# works and get a general idea of how it translates into machine level instructions. Some operations are more expensive that others. A little code snippet in a high-level language translates into a whole bunch of machine instructions (often more than you would think.)
Also, be sure to learn the various data structures, what they are good for, and their performance characteristics for various problem sizes. Choosing the correct data structure for the problem can do wonders for execution speed.
从学习汇编开始。然后,如果您要使用 Java 或 .NET 工作,请学习它们的解释字节码。一旦您了解了这一点,您就需要了解您正在使用的语言以及您正在使用的编译器。继续沿着这条路走下去,您将收集一些知识,例如 VC++ 和 GCC 三元运算符 (?:) 如何导致创建临时值,而等效的 if 语句则不会。
然后大约 10 年后,您将能够编写非常好的低延迟代码。
更有效的 C++
卓越的 C++
Start by learning assembly. Then if you're going to work in Java or .NET learn their interpreted bytecode. Once you've gotten that far you need to understand the language you are working in, and the compiler you're working on. Keep on that path and you'll collect bits of knowledge like how with both VC++ and GCC ternary operators (?:) result in creation of temporary values whereas an equivalent if statement will not.
Then after about 10 years you'll be able to write pretty good low-latency code.
Unfortunately there is no quick way to learn this.
Good books to learn about C++:
Effective C++
More Effective C++
Exceptional C++