Google Checkout:添加到购物车时提供多种选项
我通过商家帐户使用 Google Checkout,当我尝试为一种产品提供多个选项时,我在使用“添加到购物车”代码时遇到了困难。
具体来说,我想销售 **油漆** 并为客户提供两种选择:**尺寸**(5 加仑、加仑、夸脱)和 **颜色**(100 种颜色),并且仅使用一个“添加到购物车”按钮:
**油漆** **尺寸** **颜色** **添加到购物车**
**油漆** **5 加仑** **颜色** **添加到购物车**
**油漆** **加仑** **颜色** **添加到购物车**
**油漆** **夸脱** **颜色** **添加到购物车**
Thomas Pauly
I'm using Google Checkout with a Merchant Account and I'm having difficulty with the Add to Cart code when I try to have multiple options for one product.
Specifically, I want to sell **Paint** and give customers two options: **Size** (5-gallon, gallon, quart) and **Color** (100s of colors) and only use one Add to Cart button:
**Paint** **Size** **Color** **Add to Cart**
Is this possible? Or do I need to have three Add to Cart buttons?
**Paint** **5-gallon** **Color** **Add to Cart**
**Paint** **gallon** **Color** **Add to Cart**
**Paint** **Quart** **Color** **Add to Cart**
Thomas Pauly
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为了获得最佳的用户体验,您可能需要自己构建购物车(这将允许备用用户界面,例如锡尺寸的下拉菜单,或用于选择可用色调的颜色选择器) - 然后您可以使用 XML API将购物车的精美版本传输给 Google。
For the best user experience, you may want to build your cart yourself (which would then allow for alternate user interface, such as a drop down for tin size, or a colour picker to choose available shades) - you can then use the XML API to transmit the nice version of the cart to Google.
请查看下面的 Google Checkout 演示的源代码。它展示了如何使用下拉菜单、单选按钮、复选框来指定选项。 /index.html
Look at the source code for the Google Checkout demo below. It shows how to specify options using drop-downs, radio buttons, checboxes.