如何在 Internet Explorer 中运行 selenium rc 测试用例
我的 selenium RC java 代码在 Firefox 上成功运行。谁能告诉我如何在 Internet Explorer 上运行相同的测试用例?
My selenium RC java code is running successfully on firefox. Can anyone tell me how to run the same test case on internet explorer?
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更改传递给 DefaultSelenium 工厂的浏览器启动命令字符串。它将是 *iehta 或 *iexplore,具体取决于您的 selenium 版本。
Change the browser start command string you pass to DefaultSelenium factory. It will be *iehta or *iexplore depending on your selenium version.
Check out the docs for more info.
即可。确切的代码将根据您编写测试所用的语言或您实际启动浏览器的方式而有所不同。请参阅: http://seleniumhq.org/docs/05_selenium_rc.html #from-selenese-to-a-program 并单击您的特定语言的按钮。
Just replace
. The exact code will vary depending on what language you're writing your test in or how you're actually launching the browser.see: http://seleniumhq.org/docs/05_selenium_rc.html#from-selenese-to-a-program and click the button for your particular language.
如果您在使用 selenium RC 在 IE 上运行测试时遇到脚本错误,可能是因为没有以管理员权限运行 selenium 服务器。我遇到了类似的问题,可以通过以管理员身份运行 selenium 服务器来运行它
If you hit the Script error while running tests on IE with selenium RC, it might be because of not running the selenium server with Administrator privileges. I had the similar issue and could get it running with by running the selenium server as an Administrator
Very simple: Use "*iexplore" instead of "*firefox"
为了在 IE 上运行脚本,请执行以下步骤
1.导航到“工具”→“Internet 选项”→“安全”→“受信任的站点
” 2.单击“站点”按钮,然后在“将此网站添加到”中添加您正在测试的应用程序的 URL区域:”,然后单击“添加”按钮。
3.导航至工具Internet选项安全并禁用“启用保护模式(需要重新启动Internet Explorer)”复选框,然后单击“应用”,然后单击“确定”。
a.导航至“工具”→“Internet 选项”→“安全”
b.在“允许的网站地址”中添加您的应用程序的所有 URL,然后单击“添加”按钮。
导航至“工具”→“Internet 选项”→“高级选项”。向下滚动到“安全”部分,然后选择“允许活动内容在我的计算机上的文件中运行”。这将摆脱讨厌的工具栏警报,并允许 JavaScript 自动运行。
In order to work the scripts on IE do the following steps
1.Navigate to ToolsInternet OptionsSecurityTrusted Sites
2.Click on “Sites” button and add the Urls of the application you are testing in “Add this website to the zone:” and clicking on “Add” button.
3.Navigate to ToolsInternet OptionsSecurity and disable the checkbox “Enable Protected Mode (requires restarting Internet Explorer)” and click on “Apply” and click “Ok”.
a. Navigate to ToolsInternet OptionsSecurity
b. Add all the URL’s of your application in the “Address of websites to allow” and click on “Add” button.
Navigate to ToolsInternet OptionsAdvanced options. Scroll down to the Security section, and select Allow active content to run in files on my computer. This will get rid of the pesky toolbar alert, and allow JavaScript to run automatically.