我曾经读过 Joshua Bloch 所著的《Effective Java》一书,他建议出于各种原因使所有业务对象不可变。 (例如线程安全) 这也适用于 C# 吗?
您是否尝试使对象不可变,以便在使用它们时减少问题? 或者说不值得为它们带来的不便?
Should I make my classes immutable where possible?
I once read the book "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch and he recommended to make all business objects immutable for various reasons. (for example thread safety)
Does this apply for C# too?
Do you try to make your objects immutable, so you have less problems when working with them?
Or is it not worth the inconvenience you have to create them?
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This is going to be more of an opinion type answer but...
I find that the ease of understanding a program, i.e. maintaining and debugging said application, is inversly proportional to the amount of stateful transitions that occur during the processing of each component. The less state I need to cart around in my head, the more focus I can pay attention to the logic within the algorithms as it is written.
不可变对象是函数式编程的核心特征;它有自己的优点和缺点。 (例如,链表实际上不可能是不可变的,但是不可变的对象使并行性变得小菜一碟。)因此,正如对您的帖子的评论所指出的,答案是“这取决于”。
Immutable objects are the central feature of functional programming; it has its own advantages and disadvantages. (E.g. linked lists are practically impossible to be immutable, but immutable objects make parallelism a piece of cake.) So as a comment on your post noted, the answer is "it depends".
实际上,我不遗余力地使用不安全的代码而不是内置的 String.ToUpper() 来制作“就地”“ToUpper”。它的运行速度大约是原来的 4 倍,并且消耗的内存是峰值的 1/2。
Off the top of my head, I can't think of a reason for immutable objects making thread safe code somehow "better".
If I want an object to be thread safe, I will either put a lock around it or I will make a copy of it and update the reference once I'm done working on it. I typically wouldn't want a new object for every little change.
For me, immutable strings create more headaches for threading than it helps.
I actually went out of my way to make an "in-place" "ToUpper" using unsafe code isntead of the built in String.ToUpper(). It runs about 4 times faster and consumes 1/2 the peak memory.
例如,假设您正在使用外部缓存服务,例如 memcached 或 Velocity 或其他一些同样简单的分布式哈希表服务。您可以只使用 C# 客户端库并称其足够好。然而,在 Web 请求场景等短暂的上下文中,这会浪费资源。您真正想要的是在您的上下文中从缓存中提取每个对象一次且仅一次。
Another nice benefit of immutable structures is that you can locally cache instances of them and reuse them across multiple threads without fear of unexpected behaviors as would be the case if they were mutable.
For instance, suppose you are using an external caching service such as memcached or Velocity or some other equally simplistic distributed hashtable service. You could just use the C# client library and call it good enough. However, that is being wasteful with resources given a short-lived context like a web request scenario. What you really want is to pull each object from the cache once and only once in your context.
The safest way to get this job done is to place a local hashtable in your process in front of the cache provider. On the first request for the cache key you'd pull down the serialized byte stream that represents the object you wish to use and store that byte stream in your local hashtable. On subsequent requests for the same cache key, just look up the byte stream in the local hashtable and deserialize the object to a new instance for each request. This is to prevent multiple redundant trips to the cache server node for the same information that assumedly has not changed over the lifetime of your context.
With immutable structures, you could deserialize the byte stream only once on the first request and get away with storing the deserialized instance in the hashtable instead of the byte stream and just share that one single immutable instance of your object. This obviously cuts down on deserialization penalties which can add up rather quickly if your consuming code is written in such a fashion that it does not care how many calls it makes to the caching provider, assuming the cache is faster than querying your underlying data store.
Perhaps this is more of a subjective answer, but it's a specific problem that can be solved uniquely by using immutable structures so I thought it was relevant to share.
不变的埃里克·利珀特 (Eric Lippert) 就该主题撰写了一系列博客文章。第一部分是 这里。
引用 之前的帖子,他链接到:
The immutable Eric Lippert has written a whole series of blog posts on the topic. Part one is here.
Quoting from the earlier post that he links to: