如何查看 solr 正在索引的所有数据?
所以我有一个 solr 服务器作为厨师服务器的一部分运行。我的一些节点只是没有出现在搜索中。我可以使用 ?q=*:*
来显示文档,但大多数厨师数据都索引为动态字段,因此我在 xml 文档中看不到它。
- solr 被索引的内容或
- 带有动态字段的完整索引文档集
So I have a solr server running as part of a chef server. Some of my nodes just aren't coming up in searches. I can use ?q=*:*
to show the documents but most of the chef data is indexed as dynamicFields, so I don't see it in the xml documents.
I'm hoping that if I can find a way to see either:
- what's coming into solr as it's indexed or
- the full set of indexed documents with their dynamic fields
Thanks in advance!
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卢克可能会有所帮助:https://github.com/DmitryKey/luke。您可以将其指向 Solr 索引并查看其中的内容。
Luke may help: https://github.com/DmitryKey/luke. You can point it at the Solr index and see what's in there.
Last time I checked, you could run it right from the web and just point it at the index.
正如 rfeak 所说,您可以使用 Luke 来检查您的索引。 Solr 带有一个内置 Luke 处理程序。
As rfeak said, you can use Luke to inspect your index. Solr comes with a built-in Luke handler.
就我而言,这是因为我的dynamicFields设置为store = false。将它们设置为 true 可以让我找到我想要的东西,这使得搜索问题更加清晰。
In my case it was because my dynamicFields were set store=false. Setting them to true got me what I was looking for which made the search issue a lot more clear.