
发布于 2024-10-12 04:14:09 字数 79 浏览 12 评论 0原文

我正在收集有关正在运行的进程的信息(例如 CPU 和 RAM 使用情况)。现在我想通过进程的 PID 或进程名称来获取进程的版本号。我该怎么做?

I'm collecting information about running processes (like CPU- and RAM usage). Now I want to get the version number of a process via its PID or process name. How can I do this?

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相守太难 2024-10-19 04:14:09

版本号假设您确定了 PID 后面的 exe 及其路径(以便调用 FileGetVersion() 与它)。

此主题讨论如何做到这一点,并提出 以下脚本

#include <Array.au3>

$aProcListEx = _ProcessListEx()
$yourExe = "jqs.exe"

If @error Then
    MsgBox(48, "_ProcessListEx - Error", StringFormat("There was an error to get ProcessList (@error = %i)", @error))
 For $i = 1 to $aProcListEx[0][0]
 If $aProcListEx[$i][0] = $yourExe Then
     $Version = FileGetVersion($aProcListEx[$i][4],"FileVersion")
     MsgBox(0,"","Path to '" & $YourExe & "' is '" & $aProcListEx[$i][5] & "'" & @CRLF & "File Version is: " & $Version)

; Function Name:    _ProcessListEx()
; Function Description: Gets Process List with extended info, plus can retrieve only a processes with specific resources strings.
; Parameter(s):     $sResourceName [Optional] - Resource name of the process filename, i.e. "CompiledScript".
;   $sInResString [Optional] - String to check in the resource name.
;   $iWholeWord [Optional] - Defines if the $sInResString will be compared as whole string (default is 1).
; Requirement(s):   None.
; Return Value(s):  On Success - Return 2-dimentional array, where:
;   $aRet_List[0][0] = Total processes (array elements).
;   $aRet_List[N][0] = Process Name.
;   $aRet_List[N][6] = PID (Process ID).
;   $aRet_List[N][7] = Process File Path.
;   On Failure - Return '' (empty string) and set @error to:
;   1 - Unable to Open Kernel32.dll.
;   2 - Unable to Open Psapi.dll.
;   3 - No Processes Found.
; Author(s):    G.Sandler (a.k.a MrCreatoR) - CreatoR's Lab (http://creator-lab.ucoz.ru)
Func _ProcessListEx($sResourceName="", $sInResString="", $iWholeWord=1)
    Local $aProcList = ProcessList()
    Local $hKernel32_Dll = DllOpen('Kernel32.dll'), $hPsapi_Dll = DllOpen('Psapi.dll')
    Local $aOpenProc, $aProcPath, $sFileVersion, $aRet_List[1][8]

    If $hKernel32_Dll = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, '')

    If $hPsapi_Dll = -1 Then $hPsapi_Dll = DllOpen(@SystemDir & '\Psapi.dll')
    If $hPsapi_Dll = -1 Then $hPsapi_Dll = DllOpen(@WindowsDir & '\Psapi.dll')
    If $hPsapi_Dll = -1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, '')

    Local $vStruct  = DllStructCreate('int[1024]')
    Local $pStructPtr = DllStructGetPtr($vStruct)
    Local $iStructSize = DllStructGetSize($vStruct)

    For $i = 1 To UBound($aProcList)-1
    $aOpenProc = DllCall($hKernel32_Dll, 'hwnd', 'OpenProcess', _
    'int', BitOR(0x0400, 0x0010), 'int', 0, 'int', $aProcList[$i][9])

    If Not IsArray($aOpenProc) Or Not $aOpenProc[0] Then ContinueLoop

    DllCall($hPsapi_Dll, 'int', 'EnumProcessModules', _
    'hwnd', $aOpenProc[0], _
    'ptr', $pStructPtr, _
    'int', $iStructSize, _
    'int_ptr', 0)

    $aProcPath = DllCall($hPsapi_Dll, 'int', 'GetModuleFileNameEx', _
    'hwnd', $aOpenProc[0], _
    'int', DllStructGetData($vStruct, 1), _
    'str', '', _
    'int', 2048)

    If Not IsArray($aProcPath) Or StringLen($aProcPath[3]) = 0 Then ContinueLoop

    $sFileVersion = FileGetVersion($aProcPath[3], $sResourceName)

    If $sResourceName = "" Or $sFileVersion = $sInResString Or _
    ($iWholeWord = 0 And StringInStr($sFileVersion, $sInResString)) Then

    $aRet_List[0][0] += 1
    ReDim $aRet_List[$aRet_List[0][0]+1][3]
    $aRet_List[$aRet_List[0][0]][0] = $aProcList[$i][0]     ;Process Name
    $aRet_List[$aRet_List[0][0]][10] = $aProcList[$i][11]     ;PID (Process ID)
    $aRet_List[$aRet_List[0][0]][12] = $aProcPath[3]     ;Process File Path


    If $aRet_List[0][0] < 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, '')
    Return $aRet_List

The version number suppose you determine the exe and its path behind the PID (in order to call FileGetVersion() with it).

This thread discuss how to do that, and propose the following script:

#include <Array.au3>

$aProcListEx = _ProcessListEx()
$yourExe = "jqs.exe"

If @error Then
    MsgBox(48, "_ProcessListEx - Error", StringFormat("There was an error to get ProcessList (@error = %i)", @error))
 For $i = 1 to $aProcListEx[0][0]
 If $aProcListEx[$i][0] = $yourExe Then
     $Version = FileGetVersion($aProcListEx[$i][4],"FileVersion")
     MsgBox(0,"","Path to '" & $YourExe & "' is '" & $aProcListEx[$i][5] & "'" & @CRLF & "File Version is: " & $Version)

; Function Name:    _ProcessListEx()
; Function Description: Gets Process List with extended info, plus can retrieve only a processes with specific resources strings.
; Parameter(s):     $sResourceName [Optional] - Resource name of the process filename, i.e. "CompiledScript".
;   $sInResString [Optional] - String to check in the resource name.
;   $iWholeWord [Optional] - Defines if the $sInResString will be compared as whole string (default is 1).
; Requirement(s):   None.
; Return Value(s):  On Success - Return 2-dimentional array, where:
;   $aRet_List[0][0] = Total processes (array elements).
;   $aRet_List[N][0] = Process Name.
;   $aRet_List[N][6] = PID (Process ID).
;   $aRet_List[N][7] = Process File Path.
;   On Failure - Return '' (empty string) and set @error to:
;   1 - Unable to Open Kernel32.dll.
;   2 - Unable to Open Psapi.dll.
;   3 - No Processes Found.
; Author(s):    G.Sandler (a.k.a MrCreatoR) - CreatoR's Lab (http://creator-lab.ucoz.ru)
Func _ProcessListEx($sResourceName="", $sInResString="", $iWholeWord=1)
    Local $aProcList = ProcessList()
    Local $hKernel32_Dll = DllOpen('Kernel32.dll'), $hPsapi_Dll = DllOpen('Psapi.dll')
    Local $aOpenProc, $aProcPath, $sFileVersion, $aRet_List[1][8]

    If $hKernel32_Dll = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, '')

    If $hPsapi_Dll = -1 Then $hPsapi_Dll = DllOpen(@SystemDir & '\Psapi.dll')
    If $hPsapi_Dll = -1 Then $hPsapi_Dll = DllOpen(@WindowsDir & '\Psapi.dll')
    If $hPsapi_Dll = -1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, '')

    Local $vStruct  = DllStructCreate('int[1024]')
    Local $pStructPtr = DllStructGetPtr($vStruct)
    Local $iStructSize = DllStructGetSize($vStruct)

    For $i = 1 To UBound($aProcList)-1
    $aOpenProc = DllCall($hKernel32_Dll, 'hwnd', 'OpenProcess', _
    'int', BitOR(0x0400, 0x0010), 'int', 0, 'int', $aProcList[$i][9])

    If Not IsArray($aOpenProc) Or Not $aOpenProc[0] Then ContinueLoop

    DllCall($hPsapi_Dll, 'int', 'EnumProcessModules', _
    'hwnd', $aOpenProc[0], _
    'ptr', $pStructPtr, _
    'int', $iStructSize, _
    'int_ptr', 0)

    $aProcPath = DllCall($hPsapi_Dll, 'int', 'GetModuleFileNameEx', _
    'hwnd', $aOpenProc[0], _
    'int', DllStructGetData($vStruct, 1), _
    'str', '', _
    'int', 2048)

    If Not IsArray($aProcPath) Or StringLen($aProcPath[3]) = 0 Then ContinueLoop

    $sFileVersion = FileGetVersion($aProcPath[3], $sResourceName)

    If $sResourceName = "" Or $sFileVersion = $sInResString Or _
    ($iWholeWord = 0 And StringInStr($sFileVersion, $sInResString)) Then

    $aRet_List[0][0] += 1
    ReDim $aRet_List[$aRet_List[0][0]+1][3]
    $aRet_List[$aRet_List[0][0]][0] = $aProcList[$i][0]     ;Process Name
    $aRet_List[$aRet_List[0][0]][10] = $aProcList[$i][11]     ;PID (Process ID)
    $aRet_List[$aRet_List[0][0]][12] = $aProcPath[3]     ;Process File Path


    If $aRet_List[0][0] < 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, '')
    Return $aRet_List
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