如何让 Aquamacs/Emacs 显示右边距指示器?
使用 Java IDE 一段时间后,我又回到了 C++ 开发的世界。我又回到了我选择的编辑器: Emacs (实际上,大多数时候我我在 Mac 上使用 Aquamacs,但当我在 Linux 上时,我偶尔会使用 Emacs)。
奇怪的是,我发现自己最缺少的是右边距指示器。我发现自己使用 Mx 3
是否有希望设置 Aquamacs 以显示右边距指示器?或者有类似效果的东西?带有 X 支持的 Emacs 怎么样?
After living with Java IDE's for quite some time now, I'm back into the world of C++ development. And I've returned to my editor of choice: Emacs (actually, most of the time I'm in Aquamacs on the Mac, but I do occasionally use Emacs when I'm on a Linux box).
Strangely, the thing I find myself missing most is a right margin indicator. I find myself using M-x 3
a lot to put code up side by side. Knowing exactly where I've set the margin would help me keep things clean and neat.
Is there any hope of setting up Aquamacs to show a right margin indicator? Or something that would have a similar effect? How about Emacs with X support?
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您可以使用 column-marker 库来设置具有特定面的列标记。
You can use the column-marker library to set column markers with specific faces.
使用 Cu 80 # 我可以快速插入
80 次来分隔代码块。这也可以作为视觉指南,所以我不会在单行上超过 80 个字符,这是一种常见的编码约定(可能与您的原因相同)
Cu 后跟一个数字,然后是一个命令,重复命令指定次数
,例如 Cu 10 Cn 会将光标向下移动 10 行
using C-u 80 # I can quickly insert
80 times to separate chunks of code.this also acts as visual guide so I don't go above 80 characters on single line, a common coding convention (perhaps same as your reason)
C-u followed by a number and then a command, repeats the command the given number of times
eg, C-u 10 C-n will move cursor 10 lines down