我有一个大型数据库(大约 244 MB+),现在我想将其从生产服务器转移到其他位置到开发服务器,以修复错误、升级和备份。托管提供商是 Siteground.com
当我尝试使用 magento 后端备份实用程序、phpMyAdmin 或 Navicat for MySQL 备份 magento 数据库时,不幸的是每次都失败,没有显示任何错误。
我需要 Magento 社区帮助。我应该怎么做才能成功完成备份。
I have a large database (about 244 MB+) and now I want to transfer it to other location from production to development server for fixing the bugs, upgrading and also backup. The hosting provider is Siteground.com
When I try to make a backup of magento database using magento backend Backup utility, phpMyAdmin or from Navicat for MySQL, unfortunately it fails each time showing no error.
I need Magento community help. What should I do to accomplish the backup successfully.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
如果失败并仅显示空白屏幕,则可能意味着 PHP 耗尽了时间或内存,无论哪种方式减少导入的大小都会有所帮助。
您通常可以通过 在导出之前清除日志。另外,您可以分别导出-导入一些表,将工作分散到两个操作中,phpMyAdmin 在导出页面上有一个表选择框。
If it fails by showing a blank screen only then it likely means PHP ran out of time or memory, either way reducing the size of the import would help.
You can often save a lot of space by clearing logs prior to the export. Also, you can export-import some tables separately to spread the work over two operations, phpMyAdmin has a table selection box on the export page.
使用命令行 MySQL 转储并添加额外标志 --single-transaction
mysqldump -hHOSTNAME -uUSERNAME DBNAME --single-transaction -p > myfile.sql
对于 250MB 的数据库,您不应该有任何麻烦。
如上所述,刷新 Magento 日志条目也会有所帮助,但我无法想象 250MB 的数据库中有太多日志条目。
Use command line MySQL to dump and add an extra flag --single-transaction
mysqldump -hHOSTNAME -uUSERNAME DBNAME --single-transaction -p > myfile.sql
For a 250MB database, you shouldn't have any bother.
As above, flushing Magento log entries will help too, but I can't imagine there is too many in a 250MB DB.