WebSphere Portal:名称空间绑定。如何获取变量?
我有一个绑定到 WebSphere Portal 的字符串变量(通过管理控制台): 绑定类型:字符串 | 绑定标识符:阈值 | 名称空间中的名称:repos/threshold | 字符串值:30
现在,我需要在部署在此门户上的企业应用程序中获取此变量。我听说这可以在ExternalContext 的帮助下完成。也许还有其他方法。请给我一个例子和解释=)
I have a String variable that is binded to a WebSphere Portal (via admin console):
Binding type : string |
Binding identifier : threshold |
Name in name space : repos/threshold |
String value : 30
Now, I need to get this variable in my enterprise app, which is deployed on this portal. I've heard that it can be done with a help of ExternalContext. Maybe there are other ways. Please, give me an example and explanation =)
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您可能需要检查 Websphere 管理控制台中定义的名称空间绑定的“范围”。它可能需要匹配调用“initial_ctx.getNameInNamespace()”返回的值。就我而言确实如此,但这可能不是必要或充分的。
I have just succeeded in doing this using the following code:
Although in my case the Name in the Name space was just "theshold".
You may need to check the "Scope" of your Name Space Binding as defined in the Websphere admin console. It may need to match the value returned by the call to "initial_ctx.getNameInNamespace()". It did in my case, but that may not be necessary or sufficient.