PyAudio 尝试使用 JACK
我在 Python 2.6.6 下运行 PyAudio,并希望它使用 ALSA 而不是 JACK。
In [1]: import pyaudio
In [2]: pa =
In [3]: pa.initialize()
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
I'm running PyAudio under Python 2.6.6 and would like it to use ALSA and not JACK.
In [1]: import pyaudio
In [2]: pa =
In [3]: pa.initialize()
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
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对于那些碰巧通过 Google 发现自己遇到这个老问题的人:
pyaudio... 显示的消息
是信息性的,而不是错误。这意味着 portaudio 尝试连接到 Jack,但失败了,但并不意味着它放弃了一切。
此时,您应该拥有一个使用 ALSA 的功能齐全的 PyAudio 对象。您可以通过查看可用设备列表来验证这一点:
For those who happen to find themselves at this old question via Google:
The message displayed by pyaudio... informative, not an error. It means that portaudio tried and failed to connect to Jack, but doesn't mean that it gave up on everything.
At that point, you should have a fully functional PyAudio object using ALSA. You can verify this by, e.g., looking at a list of available devices: