在 SQL 2008 中为 TVP 创建索引
我们可以在 SQL Server 2008 中为 TVP(表值参数)创建索引吗?
提前致谢.. 维奈·K
Can we create an Index for TVP's(Table valued Parameters) in SQL Server 2008.
please can any one give the syntax.
Thanks In advance..
Vinay K
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您可以拥有主键和唯一约束,它们将自动具有支持它们的索引,但您无法为 表类型
如果您认为您的查询可以从进一步的索引中受益,那么您必须将 TVP 中的行复制到临时表中(不是表变量),您可以在其上定义所需的任何索引。但显然这会增加一些额外的开销(时间和内存成本)
You can have primary key and unique constraints, which will automatically have indexes backing them, but you're unable to declare any indexes explicitly for table types
If you think your query could benefit from further indexes, pretty well you'll have to copy the rows from your TVP into a temporary table (not table variable), on which you can define any indexes you want. But obviously that will add some additional overhead (in time and memory costs)